Hey you, yeah you, would you play QM or ARAM with me?

Well met traveller!
I am DarthPeruna#2132 and i wish to find playmates for Heroes of the Storm! As the title may suggest, i am mainly looking folks for quick matches or arams. I am not that good of a player so i steer away from Storm League. Having bronze rank is not that tempting. Emphasis on having fun! And winning is fun don’t you think? You know what else is fun? Becoming better at heroes you play! And doing so with friendy and supportive group of people is even more fun!

I have played on-and-off for quite some time. Now that i finally put less focus on League of Legends, i am ready to go full throttle with Heroes of the Storm. I like to play tank and bruiser type of heroes. Impactful heroes like Stitches, Blaze and Diablo are my favorites. As far as bruisers go i really like Artanis, Xul and Ragnaros.

What you play does not matter neither does your rank or how long you’ve been playing. If you wish to have a good time and play with friendly player, whom don’t push you down if you are struggling, then we could have some fun! Playing casual games on daily basis!

And little info about me: I am 30 years old farm worker from Finland. I am married and settling down on a small town in southern ostrobothnia. I like saunter in nature and go hiking with my dog from time to time. I also enjoy swimming in natural waters in summer.

So all that there is left is to contact me. You can do so by adding me on discord: DarthPeruna#0264
Or in battlenet:

Sorry for a long post, here is a potato :potato: