Hey all, so I already had a feeling that there are some hidden modificators like handicaps in damage or hp, that would be applied to people to get their winrate down to the average 50% or so.
It felt weird that the majority of games are onesided stompfests (win or lose , 9 out of 10 games onesided)
I am of course open to hear an explanation for this but what I saw in my last aram was this:
I played as Jaina and got killed in 1-2 sec by Mura who jumped and stunned me and then meph finishing me of.
I checked the damage “recap” and saw that meph dealt around 65% damage and muradin 34% and 1% medivh)
that totals the 100% of my hp and was therefore what killed me, yes?
I added up the shown damage numbers and got 1100 total damage while ACTUALLY having 2,2k hp (and I went in full hp)
This was a huge wtf moment for me because there are no skills that reduce your armor vs aa and spells by so much that EVERYTHING deals double damage and even if there was, meph and mura do not have access to any of those (AND even if they had, both players played standard builds not any armor-reducing mambojambo)
Anyone able to deliver a rational explanation for this?
Maybe I missed something…
the handicap are the developers. They are so clueless about the game. The pick phase is a joke
There most certainly is, I’ve watched a couple of my replays because I have experienced the exact same thing and it just doesn’t feel right or numbers add up. I’ve noticed that usually after winning many games in a row I start to get this weird feeling that games get harder and harder. After watching some replays I can say with certainty the damage values don’t make any sense whatsoever. And yeah the only way to keep all players at 50% is by putting in a handicap system. The game will never pair you with players around your skill level because we all know blizzard developers aren’t the brightest (ranked matchmaking system is god awful, mechanics sometimes don’t work properly, etc)
50% is the common experience. That’s mathematically true. Most will experience 50%, give or take. No systems needed, it’s just how it works.
It’s strange how you come up with these lies and spread them around, and how people accept the lies because it suits their purposes. It’s very freaky.
Do you actually believe that your damage would be modified? It can always, at every instance of this game, be discovered. You can manually count every bit of damage there is, if u know how. Do, and then show. Don’t make things up.
They get harder because the more you win, the more likely you are to be put in with people who have a winrate of below 50% i just lost 5 aram games in a row, one was because of troll account named diefaster that on purpose just walked around the core and nothing else. But before that i was on a good roll, not all the battles was easy but i won and at one point i was one a 7 or 8 win row, then this happened. I always check my teamplayers accounts to check winrate and what heroes they have played and ive noticed that often when i lose, their winrate says 45% 48% 49% etc etc. While winning its often with players who are at minimum 50% or above.