Hots its dead and for good reasons

Little post game start for like 1 year…
From 100% games its 30% with someone who afking or just leaving game after lose team fight or if he die (allways only in my team ofc only five times on enemy)
Next 30% its trash MM = trash outdated heroes and weak healer vs lucio/brightwing or something like that…vs broken heroes all time of on other team not my.
On SL trollpicks with 39% overall winrate who play main Murky for example on two lines map…or Mediv never stacked or vegan butcher all the time.
Next 30% games its trash party and non party players “balance” in our team noone have party and enemy ? 3/4 or full enemy team on party…its happens to much time.
And only 10% games its funny or good or win :slight_smile: so dear blizzard great job honestly thx for all loses afkers and trollpickers who ruining game for all players who try to do something whitout banning :sunglasses:


blizzard killed the game on purpose, because of bad financial design.


Yep because blizzard its … only lies like “reforged” W3C…sucks honestly all games from blizzards are on downfall now :slight_smile:


Hi! it looks like you need to team up with a few frainds.
this game can be wonderful, but solo q is not the way to enjoy it imo!
I have 3 different accounts so I can play with frainds with different skill level.

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why are everyone coping about brightwing and johanna lol
i can understand anduin being op but man brightwings heals for 200 each 5 seconds just murder him lol