How does the ban system work?

From my understanding if you get reported a certain amount of times, doesn’t matter how long ago the reports were made, you get banned. Is this how it works? Is it a permanent ban or temporary? Im really confused about it. I have not been banned, just curious as to how it works.

blizzard workers should ban them self. Never seen bigger imbecils than developers here !!!

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I dont think so, from what i understand so far all reporting does is if blizzard finds it valid they will silence the player for a certain amount of time so they can’t ping, join team chat, or use the team chat, and if you get reported more and more the time you are silenced gets longer and longer but never heard of anyone getting banned.

Yes, no matter how long ago your last ban was, your next ban will be increased. Thus, my ban for a month ended in April 2021, then I played for almost a year and was banned permanently quite recently, on February 28 of this year. It is very sad that I received so many bans when I started playing, leaving no chance for myself in the future. - everything on that image is lost forever

You mistake. If your account is silenced you still can get ban. Example for pinging, pings are unlocked when account is silence. This game should name now “Heros of the reporters”

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first you get a temporary suspension, then another one that’s longer( could be 2 weeks) then your account is forever banned.
to avoid this:

  • mute chat and don’t type a single word. not even GL HF
  • never ping
  • never AFK
  • don’t die to much
  • go with the team, even if its a lost cause
    These actions will LOWER your chance of being penalized.

blizzard developers mixing worse players with better players after that banning that worse players for dying too much… I never see more awfull game ever. developers here are most imbeciuls ever seen.

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Just waiting for you to realise how bad LOL is compared to Hots if you gonna jump ship and go play that game insteed. You will get people 50x more toxic then here and you will have a 10 year old kid spamming surrender evey 5 min if you dont do what he ask for.

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