I can't play this game anymore!

I’m a decent ranked player. I started to play HOTS again after about 2 years. This game was better then any other games and have a large amount of great players. But I can’t play ranked cuz that unfair LP punishment. Even I lost connection once I’m losing 600 points.

I prefer ranked games mostly otherwise I don’t need to play cuz I feels like I play for nothing if its not ranked game.

I just want to say that. This is very sad.


there are so many things that can happen online that Blizzard simply dont care about. If you want to gain rank you better play with 5 friends cause if you solo que there will be alot of people leaving mid game, extremly random picks. And you lose 200 mmr per game and win 150 so automatically you end up losing more than winning even if you play 50% win 50% lose.

i think you should win more when you win and lose less cause its fking online and its unfair as hell to lose alot of points cause online bull****

They did say that next season, you can regain the points lost from a disconnect in draft

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