I got to ask, why are healers straight up multiclasses?

They can heal, tank, cc, escape, some can even jungle a bit, deal decent damage.

I have never in any other moba seen healers made to be the most insane multiclasses in the game with so much bs up their backside it makes no sense.

You can jump them but they can just walk backwards and burst heal themselves or use some instant escape move or literally just tank the damage.

Is this really balanced? Or has people just gotten used to this bs and just accept it for how broken it is?

Who are you talking about exactly? Uther is kinda easy to kill if out of position, never saw him as someone tanky. He has decent CC but its payback is 0 range. Kharazim is a bad at healing numbers when he is playing with iron fists. The only one decent multi class on my mind is Rehgar with hes decent merc clear, but it isn’t enough


Sounds like you failed to coordinate a kill and you’re salty lol