I knew Blizz were incompetent and as daf, but this is a new low

I haven’t had any faith in those useless bsteds at blizz for years, to say they have 0 clue or even give a S about there products is an understatement, their only care is pure greed.

But during 1 game I did find something that takes there incompetence to a WHOLE new lvl, the fact hat Kael Thas Pyro Blast ult did 2703 dmg to a Valla when the max hp was 2717 is just utter BS, how do these FCKS even start to think this is acceptable that 1 hero can pretty much 1 shot another like that


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I just got a match, where all 5 opponents have the same portrait…! How much do you want to bet that is a premade of 5. My team has a premade of 3. The game really is a joke. Run/designed by incompetent clueless people.
My last aram match, i had, valeera, samuro and dehaka to pick from. They had Li-ming, Tassadar and Kel’thuzard

consume hatred stacks for spell armor and stop whining?

There is a simple answer to pre-mades but the gaming industry doesn’t like it, you match pre-mades with pre-mades, but because we know patience is a virtue, many gamers don’t have it. They want , it seems to win, take the piss, pretend they’re ominopotent no matter what skill they have or don’t and gloat. Very few what fair play, I have one friend who would always play the game in his favour against other people with scripts etc macros and other things, he’s not a very good pc gamer as you can probably tell. I have another mate who is a good gamer and often better than me and he, like me, always (not always do we), nerfed themselves to play a harder or softer character that would be not as easy to do well with. Blizzard games are very balanced, but i do beileve they have given in to greed in some ways, even from old loyal customers. When they did the amnesty all those years back before or about when they entered the asian market, they ruined the company. All those reports for cheating/botting etc and unfair adv were washed away and it was thier players that had done most of the work finding them?. All so they could make MoPandaria and get chinese dollar. Probably because a lot of the banned accounts were asain, i’d imagine. guessing. If you’re a good player and thank god, who ever you are that not all are, else gaming would be ruined and remember you’ll get old and you’ll get worse (if you get old). The irony of life is that those who were amazing will be normal in future. Also take esports with a pinch of salt, its very setup in many occasions and very false. Thats why we need decent game companies. HoTS is a very good game, balance wise and often, but the hack/cheat scripting ruins it some times, even if its a dev device. Blizzard staff can be very good, but yes, it seems there security teams and hacks@blizzard.com etc need to be more proactive on rooting out people/bots. The friends i used to play these games with are no where to be seen now, a lot were offensive overtly straight and hatefully offensive people and some were plain bad players. I just game on my own now. If i add them the chat just gets hacked in any game etc and trolls come. I miss a lot of them for the good times, but i don’t miss the unfair and racist nature some of them had. Shame we can’t get back to those times when we were younger, so we can converse safely, wether we like what the other player is saying or not.

I’ll still try to play blizzard activison games for a while and on and off. They’re still one of the best out there. Ctrl-alt-f is all i can say thats usful now after such a text wall, oh and the fact that when HoTS was being made, a lot of trolls that were banned from League of legends came over to it, to point to that. which happens in the gaming community.

I’m banned from league of ledge now too for the afformentioned chat hack and reacting to others on it, and league didn’t give a swivel about that. So as some one said, mute every one, chat and voice etc and just play and try and relax, and shout at the team in your head or out loud (given the oppotunity and people sleeping etc and decibel by laws etc :)) . Its what i do. And remember, if some one says you’re a bad player, maybe you are, but maybe they’re covering up for themselves or looking, like you might be for some one else to blame. Sadly this is a world of non-accountability, just like Mr.Trumps etc.

I still have fond memories of reading googles unofficial “tagline” see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil and do no evil. Its kinda better than issac asimovs laws :slight_smile:

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