I took solo Boss on Eric! Believe me? :)

In the latest patch Blizzard increased the movement speed of heroes by 10%. Because of this, some heroes are able to take bosses at lvl 1. For example we took squishy Valla and a little Viking to show it to you!


I feel like I need to point out that you could solo boss at level 1 on any ranged hero even before so this is nothing new… On Erik it was easier than most because he already moved faster. Even half range heroes like Cassia and Tychus could do it although it was much harder with them. Nobody does it because it’s just offering boss on silver platter to enemy, early bosses do nothing and enemy gains much bigger benefit from you being absent from lanes.


Wooow I’ve never seen anything like it

1 of 3 heroes being absent? I think that’s okay.

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Hey, not bad. …addding dots since i cant post not bad with the 20char limit. >:(