I wish there was Ranked Quick Match like in first seasons

I wish there was a ranked quick match option where you can just chose a hero and play. For me Draft is extremely annoying and makes me not want to play ranked/unranked a lot of the times, because I always feel that it constrains people into playing “meta” rather than what they actually want to play. How many times have I heard “Oh, we NEED a tank + bruiser or I dodge” even though you don’t actually need it. You can win with 1 bruiser or 2 bruisers or even 0 bruisers if your teammates know what they’re doing. But Draft kind of constrains everyone to this narrow scope because the fear is that the other team comp will be better.
It also outright bans the characters you may want to play.

So I’d like to have a QM Ranked option where you avoid being matched up with total potatoes but at the same time don’t have to do draft.