Idea for new event in HOTS

I want give a new idea to creators HOTS. The Event will be linked with Starcraft 2.
Name of Event is ‘Call of Amun’. Skins: hybrid, Kerrigan Xel’naga, and someone skins with voice of amun on those characters (you can offer another character): Genji, Artanis, Tassadar (maybe Deathwing and Yrel). Transports: Baby of Xel’naga, Flying Hybrid (unit in Starcraft 2). A new quest with two branches. 1: Destroying: land units, flying units, portals. 2: Searching Relics of Xel’naga, Searching Xel’naga, Reborn Xel’naga. After those Quests you can take another quest with reward: ‘Commentator Amun’. Sorry for my English, I from Russian community. I haven’t any arts for this topic. Thanks for your attention!

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Already got skins month ago -_-

They already have a lot of skins.