Improve Aram Teams!

Hey I wanted to mention something that I noticed in several games now.

Usually, when one side gets to pick a healer, then the other side has one too ( or at least the chance to pick one!)

BUT I have noticed several times now, that while our team did not get a TANK suggestion,
the other team suddenly has a tank… And what we got was a bruiser.

Bruiser can usually not protect or engage like tanks can.

I want to see a thrall or a gazlow, protect his team against ETC or STITCHES Gorge or Garrosh.

How are those matches fair?
Why is that even a thing?

Another thing that needs fixing is that sometimes, teams can start with double valla or double zagara which is insane considering how powerful they are both currently in ARAM.

And last but not least, if in one team, only 1 single player has the choice of playing healer or two other classes and he refuses to do so, then the whole team potentially suffers.

Why not instead give that single player who has the “healer option”, just 3 different healers instead of 3 different classes?

ARAMS feel onsided 9 out of 10 times already ( either we stomp them or they stomp us)

but the above mentioned issues add insult to injury