Is this enough?

But how can you know it? You could meet lots of Russians and never knew they were Russian since they didn’t speak Russian. Your statistic doesn’t work.

That doesn’t make sense to me, why would i report a person saying #%/! in chat ?, if ppl are toxic i just ignore it, or even better disable chat, i seriously don’t get why ppl would report ppl for using the chat, maybe report all thise damn afk’er, trolls, and idiots.

I played soccer semi-pro, and believe me they talk #&%! on your team, but thats how it is, just not in video-games what a joke.

And that is your decision

But everyone else is not you or able to think and feel the way you do

Understand that


mute the person in-game really easy.

so it’s irrelevant in IRL, but its a crime in hots, you see where im coming from, that just BS.

Reporting for “Abusive Chat” does the same thing

With the added bonuses of blocking that person AND making their offense known to the people in charge so that they might be punished for their behavior with a Silence penalty or Suspension

A lot of people may whine and complain about it but this is a good system

but why silence players, it sounds like ppl can’t speak there mind, if that other person don’t like it, he will report you, and “abusive chat” is just a wrong penalty, everyone is toxic when it comes to sports, saying “WTF” is consider “Abusive chat”, and “WTF are you ppl donig, stop ignoring objective”, and u get silenced, again what a joke.

I am not

When I play a sport I come to experience the game and work together with my teammates regardless of whether it’s a virtual or physical sport

Just because most people are toxic doesn’t make it a good thing

And the company who made this game knows this

And I admire them for that

People should strive to always be good regardless of what the people around them are doing

So you saying you never said anything remotely toxic or abusive IRL sports ? you know what, i don’t believe you one bit. NO the report system is broken, i bet that no one in blizzard have played any sports semi-pro with alot of team-mates, without saying anything that is consider toxic or abusive.


Whether you believe it or not is your own affair

I think a big difference about talking toxic in real life and online is the anonymity, though people can be cruel in soccer its my opinion that its much harder to say it to a persons face then just throwing it out in chat, especially when u cant hear a persons sarcasm and react if you realize that you’ve taken trash talking too far.

I’ve read things in chat that i really doubt would ever be spoken out load even in the heat of the moment


I’m getting a lot of this in games recently, It’s not just one, there was a group of them of 3 people typing the same thing… Constantly, repeatedly, I would like mods to have a look at the game… It happened around 20:00 EU 01/10/2021… These people are not offenders, they are criminals… They should be banned for life… Or worse, the n word was used just for fun of it, again and again and again… I have screenshots…

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