It has gotten worse, every single loss someone shouts "focus healer" to the team

Well the topic says it all. Only been playing aram for a while.
What im really concerned about, is how many of you actually think that this is a liable strategy.

As the game unfolds, and you are able to hit the low health heroes or you are able to isolate them, do so.
But these !"¤%! actually believe that you are supposed to save all your skills get in range of their healer and fire away. IS THERE ANYTHING MORE SATYSFYING FOR A TANK THAN AN ASSASSIN WHO HAPPENS TO WALK PAST HIM??. no, that hero is gonna die super fast. they think that tanks are just big squishy meat tanks, but as the matter of fact, they have great stuns, displacements and must be respected. Secondly, if you watch streams, generally a tank is the first one to go.

I just think that the iq level has managed to drop even some more.
Oh, when i say every single game someone brings up focusing, i’m not exaggerating.

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