Its a shame the its the players that ruin games

People complain about “matchmaking” all the time but in every moba, you have full teams of premades bringing in players of a much higher levels. Smurfing is rife and there is no punishment for either so can somebody explain to me how exactly this is Blizzards fault and not the fault of a playerbase that seems to be accepting of this behaviour?

Its unfortunately why a lot of PVP based games become toxic and why MOBA’s die a lot and people act like their not to blame for not being able to use these games responsibly.

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Player’s expectation of QM also drove alot of people away. At the same time, QM should’ve been better, but with such low player base, it’s virtually impossible to have a “fair” match

  1. random team comp. Your team can be 4 mages with no CC with tyrande vs team full of divers with a real healer.
  2. Will players listen to you? you have to get lucky with teammates that will listen to pings and will communicate
  3. Complete coin toss in terms of player skill in QM. Some matches you have teammates that understand when to camp, when to engage, when to push, and other games it seems like you are playing an entirely different games.

The only constant is you, and due to shared XP, it’s difficult to “carry” the game in a pvp sense. All of those things that I mention above needs to be in line to essentially “carry” by outplaying the macro game as well as the micro game.

Once you realize this, then you know QM/ARAM is an extreme casual mode and random. But to your average players this is unthinkable because people do go into matches expecting a fair match.

QM does usually give you “fair” matchups in a role sense (if one team has a a healer, the other team will also typically have one). Completely random matchups have existed but it was sooo long ago.

Having a fair match in QM or ARAM should not be expected, simply because they are not ranked and not based in your skill level and as you said, they are casual (though as many know QM is affected by your winrate, so if you win to many games, you will get some terrible games to lose).

This is true. But this is just 1 part of the equation due to counters.

And I agree with everything you said, expecting fair match in a random match up is not something one should expect.