Johanna's rework

Not sure what the idea was with Johanna’s rework but it definitely feels as a nerf.
I’m okay-ish with the loan mechanic, but since I die ALL THE TIME, it’s practically not worth picking for me.

The most 3 iconic talents for johanna were all either moved or deleted which is a sad day for me. If there was a single thing I could change about the rework I would really like to get the old lvl 4 talent back that gave CD reduction on Condemn. Other then that I really miss lvl 16 fanaticism. It’s sorta replaced with lvl 7 conviction but not really. Also hold your ground was amazing but it got nerfed to lvl 4.

It’s just that both her waveclear and CC in a teamfight really suffered in this rework due to the removal of the CD talent at lvl 4 and I am not sure where the added befits are.
I mean you kinda get access to early extra shield glare but that’s def more of a niche against certain comps.

Overall I am not really happy about her rework.
Let’s end on a positive I do like the divine fortress talent and I also like the stitches rework :slight_smile:

What are you guy’s thoughts on johanna rework?