Just wondering how the mmr works

Today got couple of storm league games win loss is about 50% but the losses where just not fair. i’m gold 4 at this moment so still got some stuff to learn.
Now why was this unfair to me. Well i got couple of brons players in my team that where not in a party with a better player. vs 3 plat 2 players that where also not in a party. The game was lost in under 10 min. Nothing to do about the brons players on my team had no clue. Seems like it was there first game in storm league ever.

I don’t mind losing if i got a fair fight or if i can learn from my misstakes.
But this outclassed mismatch is just not fun. Like first 30 sec oke that guy of my team just died to a tower with no enemy hero in the lane. Like wtf. So atleast 2 of my losses where games like this. Then there where couple more where someone just goes afk.

Thats why i’m wondering how on earth does this work?

And a suggestion if there is an afk guy just don’t penalty the rest of the team that hard. but lets say drop 50 points instead of 180

Anyone else got some thoughts on this?

There hasnt been any proper changes and fixes to anything regarding any matchmaking so its not going to happen.
And it is disfunctional and terrible. It could MAYBE work if the game was much much better and we had a LOT more players. Now its just a case of mash together a collection of ANY mmr people to atleast form a game and its going to be bad and unbalanced theres just not enough life left in the game.

Currently for rank it basically takes people from atleast 3 different leagues or maybe its 4 leagues and forms an uneven mess. The absolute only way to avoid this is to 5man, otherwise you just have to suffer the random chance of getting a really terrible player 3 leagues lower and get a loss.