Leaver Penalty, Blizz, read this


as you see I actually never post in a forum but I have to say this.

So, when you get a dc or are shortly afk or for whatever reason it is you get kicked out of the mm and get a penalty. Fine. But to loose 500 points and have to WIN 2-4 games with super toxic ppl you really think thats apropriate? Lets do the math here. So as a normal casual player, I have to win 3 games and earn back 500 points. Even if you have a 50 50 win rate you will have to play 6 games for the penalty and another 5 games to earn back the lost rank points. Lets say a game with matchmaking and everything in total is about 25 minutes. 25x11/60=4,58 hours.

I have to play 4,5 hours with super toxic ppl bc I missed to lock in or was taking a leak during long queue times? In lol if you leave, you loose some rank points and have to wait to requeue again. Nobody really experiences any harm when you leave during matchmaking. Leaving in games is bs, but in matchmaking?

You know, I really tried to convince ppl, cmon guys lets go to hots a bit, they have turret aggro now and all. But this? Sorry, not interested. Gonna go back to lol. Bc this is pure garbage. Some ppl have a few hours during weekend to enjoy gaming and then smth like that happens? You want ppl to actually stop playing the game?

Do with this whatever you want, but this penalty system is bs. If someone leaves, dcs or whatever, give them a -200 lp and gg, 2 mins lost for everybody and that guy gets closer to elo hell. But your extreme punishment is absolutely unnecessary and you loose many ppl cause of this.

just my 2 cents

/e: Leaving or being afk in running games is bs and should be punished hard. I absolutely agree on that. But during matchmaking its absolutely unnecessary. Really not ok

Some time ago I left the picking process in an unranked game 2 times in a row, because I got insulted by my team. I banned Kaelthas, because nobody prepicked him. And then they insulted me nonstop because we had first pick and omg how can I ban Kaelthas when we are first pick. Like oh sorry I don’t play draft that often and don’t know about these unwritten rules. I didn’t pick and qued in this Russian group again, because not so many people play unranked as it seems. Well they called me out immeadiately that I was this stoopid f*ck that banned Kaelthas. So I told them I’m not gonna play a whole game with such negative people and again didn’t pick a hero.
Then I got 1 penalty game with leavers ( I don’t know why you have to win 4?)
But it was an ok game of brawl. Someone went afk or had connectivity issue, another was muted. But we won. It was surely a better game than with these insulting try hards in unranked.

It seems that the counter starts from -1 and whenever you leave a game, it is increased by one, up to a maximum.

I’m not sure that leaver matches do the desired result, except for keeping people with really bad connections out of the normal matches.

But as a punishment for dodging a draft, it’s not great.

People dodge draft either because they are in a mood, or because the teammates were unbearable one way or another. Maybe the light issue of no one willing to tank (which works a lot) but also going mental that you, darling, you will flex for them because you’re a puppet (which fails a lot).

Either way, it’s only making it worse.

Basically you learn that you should stay in the match no matter what. Chat off, pings off if necessary. The throw is (almost) guaranteed but it’s fewer points and shorter time.

This is dissucused 1000 times,if you can wirte( create) such program which can detect in PC internet issue,or different PC issues…then do it.
Is not easy…
This penalty is fair for now “-500”…
I did that over 12,13 times ( to now when i played)

Even few days ago…i had PC problems and i did discount and this penatly " -500 points" not working!!!.I did that 2 times.!

If they remove or decrease these points,then sh*t half player base ,will start do what you want ,or be like surrender option.
Will be so bad!!.
Next time dont remind that of HoTS team devs.!!!
You cant think,thinking for you is bad thing!. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just think about it. It is horrible for you to play with leavers. If these leavers wouldn’t be punished they would be in every normal game and it wouldn’t be fun for you.
I know you didn’t leave on purpose, I know it is bad when your wifi just stops working for no reason. However it is also very bad for your team, 4 other people, wo suffer because you left and they are now stuck in this game with AI and have only a very small chance to win the game.