Leaver Status for played game

I just played Brawl one game and i have leaver status!?!
2 or 3 tmates disconneted from game,for sure they didnt wanted to play just stayin in base while 2 of us played. After ending game ~Leaver status for me~!?! and like I didnt played that game at all??
wta hell is going on here.
and don`t change topic this is technical issue or just turn off this category

Just played one more game and it`s not counted.
I want my bundle

I have had this about a year ago where if I would play a brawl, I would get a leaver status and it wouldn’t give me the reward from the brawl.
Sadly I don’t know how to help you, I just recommend to skip this brawl

Shame on them.
I said dont change topic,they change.This is Technical problem and all from Tech they move to General discussion.Shame on them. Maybe they will ban me now or I should say dont ban me then they will.
shame on them