Less Rank Points


Beforeend season i was getting sometimes on any rank metal less points than normal…50-70… i finished the season as bronze 5…

I played my first 3 games on new season… i won all of them 3/3andset me on bronze 5 again… so doesn’t matter thati won 3/3? this is first question…

After the 3 games it was giving me 66 rank points per win…

I won over 10 times and still i was giving me 66 rp and after so much wins now i am bronze 4 and it giving me normal rp…

Why happening that with points?

Hi, Gothic

So the MMR system is abit tricky to wrap your headaround sometimes.
And even HOTS has their own version of it.
So to explain it quite simply.
Imagine a graph that starts low and ends in the middle.
This is pretty much the graph that most MMR systems go by, meaning that if you are low ranked, you gain alot less points per win, this may sometimes make B5 feel endless.


This is the best example i can give you.
So seeing as the graph starts low, so the closer you get to gold, the higher your points become.

But heres the tricky part, HOTS has their own version now where your rank is KINDA the same as your MMR (MMR means hidden Rank btw, or hidden rating)

So your rank KINDA represents where you should be placed, but MMR is there to help figure out where you SHOULD belong.
So even if you are gold, you might belong in plat, so the system would then give you more points per win.

But in B5 your visual rank can’t go lower, though your MMR can, meaning you can be Bronze 5 and earn less and less points per win, and stil remain the same rank.
So to gain more points, you simply have to win, and though it might not seem like a chance in rank (Since it’s not visual) you are stil changing your MMR, meaning you will earn more points per win.

Hope this was explain in a decent manner, got any questions feel free to pop them out.


First of all thank you very much…

i am understating that but i was playing very good on this rank… with kills and all other stats and i was winning a lot of time…
so my MMR should be higher and then give me more points on b5…
but anw… Let’s assume that my MMR is b6-7 but my rank b5… so for that it giving me less point to stay on b5…
but why when i go b4 it giving me more ?
maybe bcs i won so much time to leave from b5 with less points and my MMR increased ?

Well stats in this game are very missleading.
You can be doing 100.000 dmg and your team only do 10.000 dmg, and stil only be doing the wrong things.
Even in Diamond 1-3 people are saying “I did the most dmg, hence i am the best” but usually it only means they were doing the wrong things at the wrong time.

This game is very much objective oriented, and so the constant fighting is usually what makes or breaks alot of games.

When you look at it like this;
Whats worth more?

  • A fort?
  • A kill?
  • 5 Kills?
  • A minion?
  • A minion Wave?
  • A camp?

Let’s rearrange these to understand them better.
So XPwize which is usually your nr.1 prio early the re-arrangement goes like this.

  1. A Camp
  2. A Fort
  3. A minion
  4. A Kill
  5. A minion wave
  6. 5 Kills.

This again is very missleading, because:

  • A fort on it’s own doesn’t provide you with XP right then and there, but it increases your XP gain overall, so all in all a fort may be considered your greatest XP gain.
  • A camp doesn’t provide XP, but if a camp is left unattended, it will kill a fort for you guys, leaving you with a massive XP advantage, making camps a prio.
  • A minion on it’s own doesn’t provide a massive XP boost either BUT a minion is a guaranteed XP orb, every guaranteed XP, like safe and secure XP shouldn’t be skipped.
    And if we compare this to a Kill, then we can say that a kill is a MAYBE XP gain, stil a kill only provides 3 minions worth of XP, also most people skip like 2-3 waves at lower ranks only to TRY and get a kill.
    every wave consists of 6-7 minions(7 if they got catapults) so 6 x 3 = 18
    18/3 (18 split 3, since 3 = 1 kill) = 6, so essentialy you are then skipping 6 GUARANTEED Kills, to MAYBE get 1 or 2.

So though the list might seem simple, it absolutly isn’t and going for kills in most cases is only a loss of XP.
Think about that when climbing.

Also to answer your question;

B4 would give you more, because when you enter B4, your MMR (Your hidden rating) would then be closer to your visual (B4) rating.
And the closer they are together the more points you get, the middle ground for points gain is 200.
So when you earn 200points, your rank is the same as your MMR.
If you earn above 200 points, then your MMR is higher than your visual rank.

Hope that helps.

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Nice so my MMR is about b3-2… thank you very much :slight_smile:

it seems like bronze 5 players gets around 60 SR, once u hit bronze 4 it turns in 130+ (win/loss), go back to bronze 5 - and its 60’s again.
it does not feel like it tries to get me anywhere, just gain SR by division.
You need a balance of +16 wins to rank up from bronze 5 to 4 (0-1000)

Boa tarde

Gostava de saber o porque de nao ganhar pontos de ranqueado no sistema de jogo herois da tempestade , pois embora tenha mais % de vitorias do que muitos jogadores que jogam comigo acabo por receber menos pontos que todos , nas 3 partidas iniciais para inicio de temporada tive 3 vitorias e mesmo assim foi me atribuido o nivel 5 bronze , quando exitem jogadores com 3 perdidas e ganham o nivel ranqueado 3 or 2 bronze .

Para eu chegar ao nivel 4 de bronze a ganhar 20 pontos de ranked tenho de ter uma percentagem enorme de jogos ganhos o que nao acontece com os jogadores que jogam comigo ?