Lets Get Out Of Bronze Together

I play as Assassins, Mostly Li Ming, Greymane, KT & Varian (Twinblades).

Can play other roles but limited heroes for Tanks and Healers.

Decent at = Malganis, Artanis

Decent at = Morales, Lili, Ana, Tassa

I play around 4pm to 8pm CET

BattleTag = Clipper#21680

Looks like it will be fun to play with you

I have sent you an invite

Great, i will be playing after about 4 hours,

CET 4pm to 7pm mostly everyday,

But can adjust a bit

wht time do u generally play?

Almost any time

Feel free to leave me chat messages even if I am offline

That will give me an idea of when to show up

I am a very active player and I play almost every single day

great, well after 3.5 hours i wil b on :slight_smile:

Sup guys ! Im up to play, often after supper. Im a good tank, also great healer. I’d love ti play with you.

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Nice, add me up Clipper#21680

hope to see u in the Nexus :slight_smile:

Yesterday i played with another forum guy, Harddck, but he was an excellent Hanzo, ,Gold1 level…

I waited for Xylord, our timings didnt match lol,

Hope to have some fun today

Hi all!
I don’t know if the offer still stands, and I wasn’t even thinking about going ranked that much, but QM has been a catastrophe in the last few months (unranked is only slightly better) and I’m thinking about trying ranked, although I’m not pro or anything (I played like 20 ranked games in the last few seasons each, and made it into silver if that counts something). Long story short, I’m kinda fed up with random clown fiestas, and people not communcating and just giving up midgame, so hoping players in ranked are more dedicated and cooperative, I’m thinking to go for it. Hence, if the said offer in this post still stands, I would gladly take it. :slight_smile:

(P.S.: I mainly play assassins like Zuljin, Sylvanas, Lunara, Tracer, Chromie, a few bruisers, tanks and healers limited to Johanna (rarely Tyrael), Brightwing and Tyrande (and Auriel occasionally), but my experiences come from QM, so again, I’m not a pro)

yeah i see u play chromie, zuljin n tracer mostly,

but u hav a decent winrate with johanna n brightwing :slight_smile:

n sure, the offer stands, but the strategy is a bit different now

as this season is ending in like a month only

im more inclined to learn other heroes n build up a few comps tht we can use in the next season

we already hav 2 tank players who play well, just tht sometimes they get bored n ask someone else to tank, otherwise they r happy to go with it,
only one guy heals , but he not always there,
n ofcourse, who doesnt love to go assassins :smiley:

i mostly play about, 2 to 3 hours from now,
i mean, ,after current time, 4 hours from now, u will definetly find me in nexus, n after 4 hrs from now, i will b in nexus for another 2 to 3 hours,

im in EU server, but based in asia, thts why the weird explanation abt time difference :slight_smile:

i noted ur tag, wil send u req in 2 hrs :slight_smile:

Thank you very much, mate! :slight_smile:

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hey, we played last night right?
u play well :slight_smile:

Why, thank you. :slight_smile: But I’m far from doing really well in ranked, so I’m going to have to learn tanks and healers other than Johanna and Brightwing, because based on last night I want to be prepared if someone doesn’t do well with his Diablo or is just simply a bad frontline, plus it doesn’t hurt to be more versatile (like if Johanna or Bwing gets banned or taken I’m completely reduced only to assassins). Moreover I have to pay more attention to soaking, eventhough I try to care not have empty lanes, if I lose focus for a second or I go with the team because I somewhy think someone will rotate me, everything turns upside down, we will be suddenly scattered and hunted down in small groups and it all goes just bad really. So thank you (especially for putting up with me), but I still have much to learn. Hope to play with you in the future again :slight_smile:

well, your open to learning, i like tht :slight_smile:
but instead of playing all the classes, make one class as ur main, n then play more n more heroes in it

if u like tanking, go for tanks in qm, so ur more confident,
but tanks major job = 3 things
1 = protect his team by taking damage n peeling
2 = initiate fights n take opportunity to set up a kill
3 = Stay as close to the team as possible (coz tank players tend to chase the low hp juicy targets n leave their team behind :stuck_out_tongue:)

But you did pretty well with the healer ,
your basic sense and positioning as a healer is pretty good,

tanking is a more tougher job, the toughest job of all

I’m not really good with tanks, and I have a friend (the one I brought with myself the other day) who likes them very much (and good with them too), so I decided to go for healers, and I’m practicing with Alexa, Auriel, Kharazim, Rehgar, and so far so good (I will inculde the rest too as soon as I have time:)

You play well,
i hav had games with u recently right,
we can team up often, :slight_smile:

lets see if we can bump into each other tonight :slight_smile:

If you’re still interested i play healer or tank.
See u

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i have noted down ur tag, will send u request once im in game :slight_smile:

Hello guys i am the rare one , long time to be seen !
I am tank and healer and i need an organized party :slight_smile:

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Hi, i noted down ur tag,
will send u invite once i log in :slight_smile:

Hi guys, if you’re still looking for someone please add me! I am Gold league right now and I am pretty sure, that I can carry you out of bronze and even further beyond! :wink: