Hiya. I’ve been playing Heroes of the Storm actively from the start of this Season and now want to get ready for 2019 with a party
I play basically everything but mostly tanks (Johanna, Muradin, Arthas, Anub’arak), bruisers (Dehaka, Sonya) and healers (Malfurion, Stukov, Kharazim…). I rarely get the chance to play assassins in drafts but I’d pick Cassia, Fenix, Thrall and Li Ming as my favs.
I was placed Bronze in both HL and TL but I’ve been maintaining a 50%+ win rate for some while now. I believe in 2019 I’d get Silver or Gold in HL placements and would look to rise from there.
I’m a young adult from Finland but would like an international team. Mic would help.
I’m mostly available during the day (9 AM to 2 PM CET) and during the evening (6/7 PM to 8/9 PM CET). I started streaming some time ago and usually do that around 5-6 PM. Trying to keep a good sleep schedule so that’s why I don’t play late.
If this looks good then you can add me to talk or reply to this thread.
TL;DR: Tank+Bruiser+Healer…Assassin player (50%+) looking for day/evening time Team League party for 2019, Season 1. Mic would be appreciated.