Former Grandmaster of multiple seasons looking for nice and decent players to play with.
- Fell back to Diamond 3 at the moment
- Available at random times.
- Voice communication optional
- Can play all roles at a GM level with 20+ meta heroes
- AdamD388#2862 Add me!
- Be Diamond
- No flaming, negativity, whining
- “Game is over when the core is destroyed and will do everything to win even if things look grim” mentality
First off, i wanna say that you have already butchered yourself ingame.
You were as toxic as can be, you played terribly, and you brought a buddy along that did the EXACT same thing that you did, just constant toxicity + dying constantly without a proper reason.
I check your profile after that game, and you had no previous ranks.
Meaning that you either talking BS, or your previous account got permabanned.
Either way i get why you would have been struck by that hammer.
Wierd since your Sonya was terrible, and your buddys Lunara were even worse.
You had to be carried by a former Master 3000 as bloody Probius because you had no idea how to draft nor play properly.
The WHOLE game you and your buddy CONSTANTLY said “gg” while harassing your Probius that was taking care of 3 lanes, while you and your Lunara mate was off fighting randomly in the jungle, without a care in the world for neither Objectives nor sieging, on top of that you guys were looking to force fight CONSTANTLY as 4 v 5 because i had to cover your lanes constantly, to then spam the chat with “Probius!?” and spam ping me.
And even though i told you guys 30sec in that any negativity will simply be ignored, you guys kept hammering on with toxicity and blaming someone everytime someone died, yet you and Lunara were the ONLY ones with more than 4 deaths, you both had 9 at the end of the match.
I sat there with 2, and although stats doesn’t really tell someone anything… 9 deaths is just amazingly bad.
And all though necrothreading is bad, i am simply just here to seek justice, because this is what your buddy gets for going “Search AdamD388 in google”.
Yupp here i am.
Hope both you and your buddy get permabanned… i assume again… glad to never meet ya in ranked ever again.