Lisent up great new warning come back safe feature HoTS team devs!

Now current AI program,work well when need AI go back safe…
You can create such warning message like that " warning go back safe" above heroe HP bar or pulse red line in HP bar ,dependance from HP and distance…based of death ratio over 50 % and win rate 50 % and lose 3 streack games.

This new warning message or bar HP with red line indicator would help for lesscareful players.
Or such red circle pop up ( beeb-beeb).
% of death ratio,win rate…must be over 50 %.
That why you need add or work on saparate calculate death ratio % stats sytem in account info,or be personal.

For these 5 years expirience in game,i did understand one biggest player base problem,player base cant learn when start back safe,dependance from HP and distance of safe area.
That why such new feature or warning indicator or message,can help a lot.

there is a red laser pointing at you if a turret targets you. if you are wounded, other characters tell you that you should use a fountain. an important aspect of the game is being able to tell when a risk is worth it, and yelling at someone that they are unsafe won’t help.

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hey young gamer…topic is NOT about new tower changes…oh…other clown,who is so stup*d…that why half player base is so bad…
Here you must replay or rate my idea,can you understand that?!
Of course we know when to use healing fountains.