Looking for 2 players for ranked play (gold-bronze)


We’re 3 friends from the UK looking for 2 more to 5 stack in SL. We are B3, S4 and G2 so we’re looking for around the same.

We are on the EU server and looking for any role as we can change roles.
We play mostly weeknights and some weekends generally about 6pm to 10pm (sometimes 11pm) GMT.

We care about winning but still try to take a fun approach to the game.

Message either of the below accounts if you’re interested.

Hi guys, I am in Gold league right now. Please add me


will send u both requests when im in nexus

hi im uk and am on most the time.

i will play any role you need. my preferred is healing but i have played as all roles at a silver 3 level quite alot.

have added you. anon91#21827