Looking for friends

Ive recently got back into HOTS after a while away but im struggling to find people to play the game with, I mainly play Casual/Quick games and the occasional vs AI games if im learning new builds or trying new characters.
I am online most days but at random times due to work, sometimes during the day but mostly in the evening/late at night and I am based on EU server.
Hope to hear from people soon :slight_smile:

I love playing Versus A.I. games

I will be sure to add you

Well, i play ranked mostly :slight_smile:

ranked is fun, but we can go for a few quickmatches

Why hello there;

Iā€™m a pure casual, mostly only doing my quest due to time-issues .
Just saying in advance that iā€™m not a ranked player .
Games stay games for me + i love the clown-fiesta that is quickmatch over the boring stale 10+ meta-heroes .
I also enjoy some nonsense-talk without gaming over the battlenet-app :smiley:

feel free to add me
my BT : Hewie#2887

Hi, I just recently got back into it, and I find it boring queueing solo :frowning: Feel free to add me


Hello Guys,

I just got back on HOTS, i speak english while i m french. I play normal and ranked game on a regular basis. So do not hesitate to add me, i am looking for mates to chill on HOTS :slight_smile:


whats your rank?

Hi! I was a humble platinum for 2 seasons, if any of you guys are up for some QM or ranked with discord then you are more than welcome to add me, devall#2329