Looking for peeps for chill, casual games

Quickmatch or Brawl would be ideal.

Oh, hey! I am Savd! 28 -years old casual nerdy person from Finland. I play with friends in almost daily basis. But I am seeking more than that. I’d like to find new friends to play with. I have a strong moba background. However I am not that skilled player. I have always been just playing for fun. No tryharding for me :smiley:

I do not main any specific role. I am most confident with tanks/bruisers.

So if you friendly fella who likes to both play and chat, chances are, we would have great time together. I am talkative and social. If you are abit shy, that is totally fine. However I would prefer the usage of discord.

Let’s have some Fun, with the capital F!

Btag: Savd#2442
Discord: Tomppa#9851