Looking for team mates

Looking for organized and dedicated people with a great sense of humor. We’re a team of 3 people looking for relatively skilled tryharders who’re looking to have fun as well.

We’re looking for.

  • Ranged DPS

  • Support main

If this sounds appealing to you, you can contact me here on this post or add battle.net @Hobonaga#2388.

Looking forward to hear from you funnymen.


I play Li Ming mostly, ranged DPS fits tht perfectly i believe.

what time do u play?

n wht league r u in?

Im stuck in Bronze, hoping to get out with some frends to excel together with.

I play CET 4pm to 7pm time,

If your a bronze/silver player, or near by who can party up
add me


I sent u a fr request as Warp.

You can add me