LUNARA BUG spell shield

Her lvl 13 spell shield doesn’t activate when Malthael Last Rites does damage.

You have an apple, you cut it in half, Malthael comes along and says: “I want to eat half of what you had of the apple”. You attempt to apply the [Greater Spell Shield diet] to Malthael, which reduce his apple consumption by 75%, but Malthael says: “NO, I want half of what you had!”

And that’s that.

EDIT: Noone can stop death


To add to AnhPham’s comment, all percentage damage in this game ignores armor. It also ignores any kind of spell power granted. I can’t think of any ability/talent that directly reduces damage taken, as I believe all give some form of armor to cause the damage reduction.

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Shields reduce damage taken, tassadar, zarya and such, kaelthas’s lvl 1 globe quest.

Ah my bad, i meant anything that grants direct percent damage reduction instead of granting armor.

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