Lv 5 to play a hero in ranked

I just want to know what is the opinion of Blizzard and from players about the level 5 to play a hero in ranked.
I think, the level 5 as a minimum to play a hero is necessary for the experience of playing from other players.

Today, I have played a game with a player who was level 61 and who has only Abathur level 9 and butcher level 5. All his other heroes were under 5.
Another problem, he was gold 3 with a diamond 4 (in premade) so he plays with platinum level who have far more experience.

This was horrible, no counter pick, no experience of the game and of the map, forgot to play his ult during team fight, etc…

Have you ever experienced this before?

Nb: Sorry for my english level.

I think the “worst” thing I’ve experienced was a lvl 2 Qhira who figured it would be a good idea to learn the hero in ranked.
I do think it would be better to only be allowed to play heroes that are lvl 5 or higher in ranked tbh.

Level fifteen should be the minimum to play a Hero in Ranked

And the account needs to have AT LEAST SIXTEEN HEROES AT LEVEL FIFTEEN to even qualify to get in queue for Storm League!

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You’re lucky with level 2. If I remember well, I have already seen a player with 0 game with his hero. It was a smurf account or he just learn how play this hero in ranked…

After, i said lv 5 limitation because it was already exist in hots. Maybe upper could be good but not sure.
@Xylord I’m not agree with lv 15 as minimun. It’s too hight, I think ranked will not have enought people. I already play with the same team in two folowing games on european server.
Dunno how is the situation on Us server.

If Ranked had this limitation then more competent people would be playing

Resulting in newer players joining and populating the competitive servers

People from Quick Match and Unranked Draft would also come and play Ranked more if the situation was improved

I agree, 15 is a bit too high,

but 5 is too low, and we dnt even hav tht ,

lets settle for lvl10 :slight_smile:

but this wil cause a HUGE problm, numebr of times healers will NOT be picked will rise sky high,

all my healers tht i played, i played in ranked, i think i hav NO games as healer in qm , just in brawl or ranked
n im around 60 to 70% win rate on healing :open_mouth:

Nah I like the current total lvl50 requirement. Easier to make rank-ready smurfs.

As for lvl60 in gold+ rank - 95%+ of the time it will be a smurf. If he makes you believe otherwise, he’s just trolling you (or more likely, you’re trolling yourself).
I always pretend to be a noob when I play on my smurfs. Although I get caught lying pretty quickly…

haha, well, smurfing should be harder :smiley:

The fact, that incompetent people play ranked is not the problem. The problem is that incompetent people are in ranks where they don’t belong. This is the only problem and the only sensible solution is to fix this one problem, not to look for artificial ways to limit access to ranked.

I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m saying it should be the only goal.

And on the other hand having incompetent people around shouldn’t be an obstacle to move up. Quite the opposite. It should be helpful, because if incompetent people are around they should also appear in the enemy teams and it is more probable to have incompetent enemy than incompetent ally unless you purposefully create premades with incompetent people.

Lvl 5 is reasonable.

  1. protects others from unskilled heroes
  2. increases the threshold or appeal of playing smurfs