Make heroes of the storm most epic game in gameing history this year!(updated versione.!)



“I WANT SHOUT LOAD”…:laughing:

I would gave you many and a lot improved and smart different ideas,mechanics,rules,new modes,new quests…


New Match Macking stric requiment mechanics:

Players would not be matched by devisions ,only by Rank ( Bronze,Silver,Gold,Diamond,Platium,Mater,Grand Mater)! Why?! I would explain detaily with factors,reasons (too late down n my topic).
Rankeds only show or info what is place at player (or to where player climb up)!

With like new " Survival lvls",they would be 5 !
They would looks like now current heroe lvl and account lvl.

How would work explainations:

Depence from player KDA % ratio(Kiil ,Assist,Deaths) would calulated his % after game end or be transffered into these new “Survival lvls”
With this cheme table:

1 lvl 0- 20 death % ratio ( 0- 3 deaths)
2th 20-4 D % ratio ( 3-6 deaths)
3th 40-60 D % ratio( 6-9 dearhs)
4th 60-80 D = rario( 9-11 deaths)
5th 80- 100 D % ratio ( 11 - over 15 deaths)

After game end this new system calulated system program ,caluclate death % ratio and would be trasffered into this temporary " Survival lvl".You must created 2 versions ,one is Main is only in Ranked other is temporary is only in Unranked!
System would colect all temporary Survival lvls to until play only in Unranked 3 days ingame time ( 72 hours) or 30 games.Thats are so many games.Of course depence a lot from player.
This would personaly calculated per player account.


Worn on count played times per every class 20 % each played with strict requiment tule ! Than not mean players would be limited to pick 1 heroes per class during draft phase!!
In this 72 h or 30 gamea strict rule in Unranked and 168 h or 100 games in Ranked if player complete this requiment would be rewarded with “+ 5 won games”. THIS NEW RULE WOULD BE VALID ONLY WHEN 168 h or 100 games end in Ranked and Unranked!.AND NOT VALID PLAYERS WOULD BE MATCHED + " SURVIVAL LVLS"
Work on show info in personal account ,players check how many times, % is played every class!.
If player decide dont follow this rule ,then would be rewarded with these " +5 won games"!
Whole idea is clue a lot with " Survival lvls" to preven players stack this " 1st Survival lvl" and to me matched only with such “exploid,cheated” players. And would encorage a alot playe all classes and to earn extra won games! And would.prevent play to play heroes wich are high survival like Abathur,Lili,Nova,Chromie all supports. And this new encourage rule would ,encourage players to learn all heroes very well. To now playerbase think some heroes had high win rate a chance or can “carry”. :slight_smile:
And this mean offeset players wich decide to play mostly with many heroes from one same class ,cross check with players wich decide to complete this reward rule or quest ,to play balanced class heroes. Or that mean both sides or be balanced. To now players decide to play mostly one same heroes from one same class and that cause somtime unbalanced win rate!.


Work on new count timer only for Ranked Hl and Tl would be sapated timers!. And work on same count timer for Unranked

After 3 days( 72h ingame timeplayed) or 30 gamea calculated system will calculated all Survival lvls depence how many lvls is achieve one player.
Like that :if player had more for an axample 2 lvl ,system totall would be 2lvl or 1lvl or 3lvl or 4 lvl or 5 lvl .
After so many games will start real matching with same lvl in Ranked BUT created strict requiment for Ranked to be unlocled ,until players complete 72 h or 30 games playtime only in Unranked !! But limit Ranked play for 168 h or 100 games ,after time is complete it,RANKED IS LOCKED for this stric requiment 72h or 30 games played in only Unraked!!
System would search same lvl. You can created second versione search /Matching system . Depence from queue timer max be 3 mins. If system cant find players with this “Survival lvls” …system would info players queue times is off and work on tick box wich be pop up window displayed and ask players this : " Timer is off,do you like continue system search 1 lvl “Survival lvl down?!, " There is our different modes :” TL,HL,QM,Unranked if not want wait long time" .Depence of course from personaly " Survival lvl".

Players would be NOT searched/matched by 5 devsiones,Like this current version They will be matched too late when be total calculated " Survival lvl" and with by depence achieve Rank(Bronze,Silver,Gold,Diamond,Platuim)
Abour Master and Grand Master leagues would be same(players will increase his places by this new MM mechanics!
That why suggest new earned increased Personaly Ranked Point system ,depence from achieve these 20 achievements!:

Wich be rewarded with increased Ranked Points by importance!

Cheme Table:

1st :From Bronze max for MVP would be 300 start be lower "-1 " per every from these 20 achievements. I would I rank in importance:
1st :MVP achievement: max 300 ranked points
2 .Main healer 299 R.P.
Soak :298 R.P
3.Hight assists numbers: 297 R.P.
4.Hight streack kills: 296 R.P.
5.This achievement wich heal to survive any heroe( i dont know what is axact name):295 R.P.
6.Hight XP : 294 R.P.
7.Escape artist : 293 R.P.
8.Hight numbers get objectives: 292 R.P.

all rest 12 achievements i dont know what are!
To 6 achievement are much more important than all rest.

After that with this cheme table points would be decreased per “-10” points Silver,Gold,Diamond,Platium,Master, Grand Master.

Whole idea to be increased points to offset 1 lose game. Or that mean :slight_smile:

In Bronze league players.must offset 1 lose games with 2 won games and so …on so…on
Silver 3 win games agains 1 lose game
4 win vs 1 lose game - Silver
5 win games vs 1.lose game - Gold
6 win games vs 1 lose game in Diamond
7 wins games vs 1 lose game in Platuim
8 wins games vs 1 lose game in Master
9 wins games vs 1 lose game in Grand Master

200 points for 1 lose game
Every devisione are with 1000 ranked points.
Only with this way we can offest loses game and terrible players,luck situacions, this avarage 50 % win rate,depence drafts,choosen talent builds,real life factors,perosnal human qualityes,emotions and so on …so on…

So about this huge controversial discussion to be full reser whole system or not…
I can suggest 2 solutions:
With strict requiments:
Allow players freedom again ,if player hate or dislike to be full reset his current rank (from old system).
Then make out/ encourage them to enter in Ranked PTR a least 1 month and low % games in QM and vs AI!
And work on or paiting new amazing skin models 1 each per class or heroe,to looks like " King of HoTS" for everyone players wich will enter in PTR and new mounth model (of course should be define his model to impresive,amaizing)
If player want to be reset his ranked system… would rewareded in life servers with same model skin + new model mouth + booster xp + 2000 shards!
Of course you must work on count log on timer. PTR test time will be 3 moths! :slight_smile:

So…explanations why this current MM not work perfect…
Whole idea for these “Survival lvls” , Increased ranked points is …
Like in our real life sports players must first training long time until go tournaments or in game players would correct his personal " Survival lvls" because players cant play with one same way in every game. Reasons are: human qualityes,feels,emotions, stuffs,how fast one player improve himselfs human ,then in game,depence what different games play,gamer xp,ages…so in…so on…peoples can spend long time in game or to have free long time.

I know very well many peoples would start “shout” load and complain like that
“What is this so stupd Ranked requiment?!"
“We not want make out us to play with force way”," I will unstall the game"," You are so stup
d,wih such force requiment you woyld lose more players and then really your game would be huge disappont and fail”"

So…if you continue think with that way…then the game never be a lot better than all rest DoTa games!!


To be preven to be exploided/cheated this " Survive lvls" by heroes Chrimie,Lili,Abathur,Lt. Morales,Murky,Nova,Muradin,Dehaka,Varian,…plaerbase should continue bann them!.:slight_smile:
With this way players would be set wich play are so carefuly wich are not and will be saparated!
In this current MMR huge mistake is players are fast,hurriedly matched by teporarity complete some of these 20 achievements,less games ,mix players wich play little not careful,depence from luck factor,mistakes,miss banns,afk-ers,rages,feeders,blamers,how feel one human,…

For Ranked:
If player miss his banns for Ranked + "-100 "(-200 for lose game ; new incresed personaly ranked points) ,no matter won or lose game!.
If player do not pick needed class.Cause that you must work in new detect system program like in QM!.
Player would be penalty with “-600” r.p. if is
lose game if is won game “-400 r.p.”!
With limit count times for mistakes ,not picked need class would be 3 times,penalty would be only in 30 Unranked playes games,Ranked is locked until player complete this new penalty rule!


Work in new count limit deaths program wich count personaly into player acccount ,over 10 deaths (or like this 5 "Survive lvl!) with limit count times 10 . Ranked is locked until.player stric penalty rule in Unranked 30 games in QM 20 games.


Players would forced lvl up to 15 lvl,5 heroe each per class,70 % played in Unranked ,30 % in Quick Match! Ranked is locked until this requiment will be complete! Or Unranked and QM would be like training for new players!:slight_smile:


For Ranked :slight_smile:
Work onn new code word " Cheat AFK" ,this should be clearly explained in report system.
Cheat AFK.mean if player just run around in base and do not add in fights.
Inv or requit more yours peoples.wich be like judging referees ,who his work is only to watch these replays. I know very well what cost this. NONE , I WOYLD REPEAT NONE need explain at me what mean that!!! (My work is similar!),but make to replay be file attachment from PC files,but until that replay should be edited timer where exactly this player do this " Cheat AFK".This should be dataily ,clearly explained into AFK report system.program!
Then player should punish manualy!

About For Unranked , QM penalty would be different to play only 10 games vs AI!

More ideas from my old topic :
(Pick some of them and think about these ideas and long time!) :slight_smile:

Idea is again my old topic

Maybe hardcore rank like diablo 3 ,wow other genre dota games system in future?! :).

Such quests can help/ assist a lot for one player to improve his game skill,xp


Just work in QM be like prechoosen heroes search system program with strict rules ,1 heroe each per class ranges,melee. If player is alone ,must prechoosen 9 heroes,if players are full 5 group,leader would do that.
Work on tick box(click tick box) on every heroe.
Work in heroes be saparated of 10 groups,melee.warriors,bruser melee,melle supports,range supports,range assassins,mellew assasins,range specialists,melle specialits.
Work on count timer 15 sec to b3 choosen 1 heroe,after when be choosen heroes by these rules all rest heroed from same groups are locked.
Wok on reset option to unlock all groups heroes.
Do not be then longer queue,then you can work cross search system program( EU, NA, Asia) ,but with 2 versiones!
1 is normal ,other is …to be choosen from players with tick box(click tick box).
To prevent players wait long time.


Work on all builds heroes variations to be detaily info explained in this list option with all talents. Yes,we know exist websites for that,but would be a lot better to be playerbase be clearly info!. In this info can be detaily explained wich talents buolds are better(depence from choosen heroes or drafted)! Even you can work on penalty/rewareded Ranked points system. Yes,this cost long time decions for you.

Blizzard team…wait you more hard work and ling time! As you know that very well.


So?!..:slight_smile: Im sorry for my worst grammar english langueg!:slight_smile:
If someone have questions……:slight_smile:

EU forms are dead, make this in US forums.

Also, bad idea.

Then tell me better ideas,mechanics,rules…
Im really curiuose to read them…
And i know how you think…
“Heh :smiley: this dumb Brutalnot never gave up and he is persisten and keep spam his awful ideas”…
Alright…right you think yourselfs for much.more smart and intellected person?! i wait your much more better and improved ideas…:smiling_face:

You idea is worse than the current system and would fail the same way their PBMM failed.

I dont need to come up with an better option to critisize yours, thats not how it works.

Post it on the US forums and youll find your flaws and mistakes, most people never visit here and i dont either, see ya there.

heh :smiley: you NOT have any idea! And that wise ignore of do not have any better ideas…is silly. And dont explain at me only simply is awfuls…i want from you smart agruments,facts,detaily ,clearly explanations! And lets add witch other in game my battletag is “#2608”.
And i did inspect you hotslog how you play your heroes…and for an axample Sgt.Hammer is low played from you and you didnt do many MVP cross check with mine!!And dont explain at me again theae bullsh*ts …“MVP is not from matter”.
just dont!
And i did cross check Lt. Morales also…and again is low played from you and you achieve low stats than me!!
I really want to play with you a tleast 2 mouths!!
Dude…i want to see you in actions ,not by words!

I just dont throw everything i happen to think about around like its an good idea.

MVP award is given to the player who tops the most stats and dies the least.

It doesnt matter, i have gotten it when playing with GMs and im not even in Master :sweat_smile:

Statistics dont make a good player, and that is why PBMM that blizzard made, failed horribly and that is why your idea would too.

What comes to my hotslogs, you were looking at the wrong profile, i have only 2 morales games and 0 Hammer games ever played.

Post on US forums so you atleast get replies.

Fans deserve electricity.

Some parts of your idea aren’t bad, but as whole rework it really looks horrible. Try better next time.

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I’m IN!

heh : D my friend Brutalnot again fight with these guys. You never gave up?! :slight_smile:
Dont lisent up them my friend. Why you lose your energy with them?! Don you see they are so bad?!:slight_smile:

hm…and i know your ideas…you told me few times in game…i want to test it…:slight_smile:
And lets see what would happen…::slight_smile:
I too either hate this MM ,MMR system…i never see in my game life so terrible system.

@ihateclowns is a brutalnots another account.

They have never played together. Lul

Where you know that?! Any proofs?! :slight_smile:

There are no games played together with you 2,thats a fact.

None that i can find. Also you have never played more than 16 games it seems.

Meaning Brutalnot would have to be in the beginner que after thousands of games.

Oh yeah and

I have a screencap, dont even try to hide it. :wink:

Dont act smart when i can find you telling youre an alt account, also dont lie about it and save us the trouble

Anyway, it doesnt matter, only the points about the idea do.

This game is dead. Noone cares about players. They just want money…

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If is dead…then why they continue work on?!:slight_smile: They will add more heroes balances and stuffs!..yeah…yeah…you continue believe “its dead”…and is really “dead”…then why you continue play and care about the game?! :slight_smile:
And queue is short time muahahah clown :smiley:

Brutalnot’s english skill is like his hots skill- bronze 5… And nobody will take seriously a guy with english like that :smiley:
P.s. They’ll added stuff that’s almost ready, plus few event/s. Probably content will come our way through whole 2019 and then will slow up. Fast que is not equal to good and balanced matches.

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Do you know how much i love funny clowns like you (everyone wich reply at me)?!
Dont provoke old “wolf” …because he can bite heavy and love to eat clowns and greedy bunnys like you!! Vision ,Roskobg,Roshar,Trimorias!
When you think about such ideas… you been in venter yours mothers!
And dont reveal yourselfs what you are with yours negative words!
I can beat with words you so easy!
And yes im Brutalnot!
And thank you so much about pin my topic on top!:smiley:

Learn to take critisism and not just throw out insults thank you.

You just sidestep any critisism about your idea and start insulting everyone like you had any good ideas or a good standing.

Also to anyone thinking of replying here, dont.

He has shown himself to be a liar, a bad one at that too and talking to himself with alt accounts trying to make his idea seem popular or smth.

Also avoiding forum bans with his alt account when he lashes out which is nice.

He doesnt know the 101 of logical fallacies, falling into argumentum ad populum with alt acc boosting, argumentum ad hominem when he cant respond to actual critisism and other fallacies.

I tried critisism but it doesnt work so fire with fire and stuff - >

I have no more time for childish liars with bad ideas. Cya.

@Brutalnot i have MVP award as Nazeebo 20,7% (23% in ranked) of the games i play as him, if you think it makes me a good Nazeebo player, you are wrong as my Nazeebo winrate is 55% overall and 49% in ranked where i get more MVP awards as him.

Most of the dmg i do as Nazeebo is meaningless and just makes my numbers look good and do not lead to kills or anything meaningful, its called white damage but gets me the award because i top all the stats in the games.

And as Samuro i have 6,5%(8,3% in ranked) MVP rate because i dont top stats and all my dmg is meaningful and lead to kills and that is why i have 66% wr with him, yet i can carry games and get no awards.

I would like you to search what “white damage” and “white healing” mean and then come back to your ideas.

I selected Nazeebo and Samuro as examples as they are my most played heroes and have the biggest sample sizes so there was no concious cherrypicking.

@Brutalnot- At least i have brain to change my profile avatar to something, that’s not default. Being better than your bronze teammates that are the bottom in hots ranked mode, doesnt made you better than the other part of player base, that is from Silver to Grandmaster. When 15 years old are considering “old wolves” ? I play to win, not to be mvp, and that’s why i always have some1 in my friend list that wants to play with me. I dont use Hotslogs, but if you want to use it, cool- your stats according to that site are bronze. Mine, again, using that site, are mostly plat, with hero league in silver. So, stop thinking you’ll save that game, because you’ll not. And even if some1 in Blizz read that thread, consider that your ideas are cool and implemented them in-game, you still will be in bronze…

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“Alright…a$lright…guys…i surrender… white flag…white flag”…

Jokeing of course…:smiley:

You cant cross check with human like me wich is over 20 years game xp-ed and wich is improved a lot like human!.
You cant beat the best one!
And my stats are hight cross check with you!
And dont be silly and cross check with this broken MMR system or MM!
MMR is not looks like what you think!
The system is overtuneded ,not Grand Master are the best players ,a Bronze one…i’ ve played with so many so good players wich play like Master.
I know ypu never admin im the best than you…and you decided “fight” vs me ,becauae you see im much stronger oponent player and you want challenge and joke with me or be funny.
Stats say everything!
And you dont know me what person im and what i can do And dont know alot about me!. After i save the game…not need to thank you at me!
And i can command Blizzard team with my mind! I not jokeing! If cant believe in about that ,that is biggest problem. You dont know alot about human brain and about our human race. Im something like last and a lot improved model of human. I DONT CARE IS IT YOU START JOKE WITH ME OR NOT. For me you always be funny clowns.! : D