Maybe hardcore rank like diablo 3 ,wow other genre dota games system in future?! :)

With limit deaths for an axample 0 -> 3 deaths . Hardcore stats dmgs,assists,heal,xp per every heroe,class… Penalty /Rewarded ranked points would be increased,win points eaither personaly!,depence from deaths. Hard part is you definte what exacltly should be numbers. For an axample xx games. Laddder /Rankto be like old one 2015 year.
In past time avarage 2 years or long ime i did suggested different rules. Again hardcore to death,death heroe or player would watch whole game to the end BUT depence from stats of heroe,game lvl,choosed talent builds would trasfferd buffed to the a life heroes/player or like this Brawl to the death. And these stats from death heroe would calulated and sapared on 3,4 a like heroes and pay attentione now…work in extra empty skills slots for main skill and heroic skils and trait and for
extra slots talents! That mean heroes would become hibrits heroes ,this not new idea ! This old idea is from Heroes of Newearth wich is completed befor long time ago. know is not something new idea(old like our world) :slight_smile: Hard part is calcuated system and what exacly skills,heroic skills ,talents (from death heroe) to be saparated to a life heroes. Or that mean as you can guess,heroes would fragmented into pieces !. Difference from Heroes of The Newearth and HoTS is…in HoN was maked already replace skills and heroes become mixed or hibrits,but in HoST would be a lttle different!. So ?! :slight_smile:
This idea is NOT worked befor in other genre DoTA games. Or that mean also
,heroes would become something similar like Diablo and WoW heroes skills ,but would be with more skills and talents and would be mixed/ buffed a little and or be learn extra skills,talents!. Or that mean heeoes become something similar like Cho Gall and Arbathur.! . And one questione …how many times you wanted to kick out from the game someone player because he is terrible or cant play so careful,i would ask you again HOW.MANY TIMES?! I can agree then come maybe more unbalanced skills,cds,dmgs,talents. And they must reworked again or do more balances changes . And indeed,then …for them(Blizzard team) would come more work. willSo ?! :slight_smile: