Make Maiev Great Again!


Just going to share my thoughts on Maiev, I feel for the nature of her kit, her ability to survive after her dive is simply too low. Other dive heroes have SOME form of self sustain to keep them alive long enough to actually get out some damage out when they do.

I realize Maiev gets armor buffs, but anyone who plays Maiev can probably relate, it feels like the second you engage, you have SUCH little time to actually do anything before enemy heroes get an unfocused kill on you - especially seeing as her damage requires TIME to line it up properly (making the most of her Q).

Anyway, would love to see some surv buffs, she’s my favorite hero but she’s just a bit TOO squishy to be fun and effective rn - wouldn’t dare taking her into ranked.


Ok so this is clearly a skill issue because she has a free noskill dodge and massive health pool.
She is not a harassing mage that should be able to poke and get away without risking death too much. She’s a fight setup hero.

Looks like you just expect to play her in a way that she’s not meant to be played.
Think her kit is fine, in fact it’s actually quite strong.

Maiev is fine, please master Maiev first.