Master tries Team League on new account

I wanted to try out the new Team League(TL) mode since there was a massive change in the HOTS Ranked system.
I have created a new account and played 100 TL games.

Hotslogs: https:// imgur. com/zdJrKCd
Ingame1-cover: https:// imgur. com/lOnlodF
Ingame2-stats: https:// imgur. com/89jL4b0
There are 2 extra spaces in the links. Delete them when you copy the URL into the browser.

3200MMR, 71wins-29losses record over 100 games.

Team League
Now you can play TL without any requirements and even solo queue.
Personally I dont see the reason behind this. For solo play there is Hero League. I think that removing the requirements is also a bad idea because anyone can create a new account and ruin the low MMR games. There should be a restriction like in HL (16 heroes at Lvl5).
Under 100 games i have met with some smurfs on both sides.
As a master I can easily solo vs 3silver/gold players in the laning phase and even get kills which seriously cripples their team.
My team just got free TL points without earning it and the enemy players lost the points in a not fair game.

Placement games
I felt that Placement games have no value at all.
I was expecting that after the placement games i will be ranked in bronze or silver since it is a new account but i was hoping for smth higher based on KDA, presence and playing mechanically good.
With 9wins and 1 lose i have ranked in Silver5 which i kinda expected.
Then i went through the patch notes again and it states that you can rank 1 league above your previous standing. I think that a new account sits on bronze 5 because no previous season record and the +1 league adjustment is exactly silver5. That is my thoughts about the placements and you can correct me if you have deeper information on how it works exactly.

Ladder games
If i have to describe low MMR games (bronze-plat) in one word then it would be UTTER CHAOS.
90% of them think that they belong to diamond/master league and that theyre playing flawlessly.
Have zero map awareness and presence on the map. Tunnel vision on constant brawling nothing else. Even 1v5 is a good fight from their point of view. 10+deaths under 20mins but im doing damage, bro.
Picking heroes that are not suitable for the current map or for the team
Smurf Zuljins, KTZs, Oprheas, Raynors, Fenixes, Rexxars.
Moving up on the ladder was kind of smooth experience when the team
cooperated to my calls.

Ban solo players from TL. For that there is HL.
TL needs a similar requirement like HL.
Or delete either HL or TL because they are too similar currently.
Placement games should work better.
If someones MMR drastically higher than their league then there should be a shortcut to promote to a higher league.
For example people with 3200MMR should not ruin bronze/silver/gold/plat games. It is a terrible experience if you get stomped and it is also waste of time.

If you would have read the news I doubt this thread would have ever been made. They decided to merge HL and TL over the course of the next 2 weeks.Moreover, they are also tinkering with HL to see if they can add it again in a far future.

Well, playing 100 games to make a throughout opinion about something takes time and under it they can make changes.
That’s true i wasn’t following PTR about TL/HL merge closely but my other lines are on point.

But I could go further than the new League changes because Hots bleeding from many places.

Some example without going deep:

  1. After 3 years you still cannot reconnect to a game
  2. AI is terrible only walking from A to B
  3. 20-40mins queue time for master league
  4. Terrible hero balance/tuning
  5. Impotent development team from an AAA company. Don’t get me wrong but I feel like mostly interns working on the game.
  6. Fastly shrinking player base
  7. Matchmaking in QM and Unranked is terrible. For me after 20-30secs the searching will be extended for faster queue and I will match up with bronze-master (mostly lower MMR players because there are more from them). And I dont want to play with low MMR people because they see the game drastically otherwise than a high MMR player.
  8. Power creep with every release

That is what came to my mind instantly without thinking about it.
I don’t see a company that big and with that much experience cannot solve problems. For example in Overwatch youre seeing only GOATS comp for a seriosly long time and they couldn’t fix the problem when the easiest solution could be 2max from each classes in ranked play (tank/dps/heal/etc) -> like previous metas. You don’t have to overthink something that can be fixed in seconds simply.

They fixed the A.I. problems with this patch.
Blizzard can’t force people to play the game .
Imperius and Yrel weren’t overpowerednat the begining.
Mediv, Thrall and Sonya were reworked and now are excellent heroes.
These are some counter arguments to your list of problems. At least QM is fast and brings brings balanced teams against each other(in terms of classes). How you use those heroes is then the players’ job.