Matchmaking is at its worst

I’ve been playing now for days over 10 games per day.And i have to say that matchmaking has sinked into all time low.
I would rather be in a quee over 2 min and get a balanced game in QM then to deal with this discrepency of people who leave the game,and low lvl’s who still dont know what champion does what,and that objectives are prio then anything,and be prepared for upcoming team fights.Not to mention the map awernes on some of those guys.

My point being,keep low lvl people,with low lvl players,and make matched games,with healer/tank/casters,it doesnt even have to be like that,but just people with the same skill level.I will take any time and day 2 min quees over this.
So far i am uninstalling the game cause this horrible matchmaking system ruined it.


Why do you complain about QM? It is not meant to be balanced gamemode. QM is to practise heroes or to play fast game when you gotta go soon.

The answer is extremely simple to your problem: choose ranked and play that mode.


yes but playing solo ranked is just bad, playing ranked with friends or a team is the best but when you are a solo player you just play QM and if you play full mele team VS full range team then something is bad


How is solo ranked worse than QM? With ranked you can draft your setup AND you get matched with same skilled players. It is so much better than solo qm

solo should match vs solo only. Not a 5man vs all solo like hots does. Any other game does this correctly but in here solo queueing is feed for the group autowin.

Problem is in many EU young dead brains and in yes , a litle in MM.
Blizzard cant improve peoples!
Peoples must improve himselfs!.
That why stoped play!

Xebulin dunno what rank you are? I always get within 2 mins que time ranked game. The matchmaking is working corretly maybe you are not happy with your rank but dont put that on others

Rank doesn’t matter, I shouldn’t need to play ranked mode to get a decent matchmaking, if I’m lucky and don’t get trolls. Don’t care about rank and I’m not putting that on others. But since you are ignoring all the other points I made and all the other comments and threats made about matchmaking, I just accept that you are a paid Blizzard poster, who defends everything they do.

I am just surprised why you complain about this. When I have seen people in my games complaining about setups or someone is bad etc they have always been wrong and bad themselves. I am politely offering that same idea towards you

And about the rank - generally speaking if someone says “I dont care about rank” it means they have bad rank. This correlate straight to their skill level and their way of thinking. Because you are not good you dont really understand the game and that causes frustration

Generally , you cant generalize . I’ve never been below master ANY season cause i have huge previous exp in highelo dota2 and dota 1 , also 15 years in mobas ,and here just needed to learn the heroes and maps 5 years ago . AND I dont care about my rank . How does this means i have low rank ? Now you know where to put your wrong statement , right ? Xebulin is right from top to bottom , couldnt be said better , also the OP is right and I understand his frustration.
And to add : Since they introduced the EXPANDING function to QM and I (1850 acc level ) was getting grouped with people under 150 level EVERY GAMe, it was the last nail to the coffin. I have literally 1 gb of pictures just for the past 4 months where i SS-ed players in my team frequently under level 50 even . They werent smurfs , maybe 1 of 100 , the rest had no clue what map is this , what r they supposed to do , SOME EVEN DIDNT KNOW HOW TO MOUNT and were running all game on foot. As I want to play what i want i enjoy more QM and when i get master usually got bored and spam QM . But this … as OP said it was NEVER like this . Being grouped with people who started last week is just … O_O.
Anyways for all the delusional defenders , GL and have fun in this environment , hahahaha.

I said generally speaking. That means most, not all.

Again I suggest you go play ranked or stop complaining

I didn’t think MM was that bad untill today. My team: Varian, Nova, Orphea, Gul’dan and Tassadar. vs Blaze, Arthas, Muradin, Diablo and Abathur. that was alot of fun. but not for my team. we couldnt even dmg them

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You do understand many feel the same way about your opinions. Its not too smart to point out the obvious

To me every your comment sound braindead - mostly because its all excuses and complains of why some other than you is not working properly. It is time to man up and cut the meaningless crying. Play the game, improve, learn and I am quite sure then your knowledge gets to a level you understand allnyour crying was for things you never comprehenced

You seem to be extremely emotional about this. Seems like you not caring about my opinion was total bluff. Weird how the truth can be so painfull for some human beings. Do what is right for you. gl hf

One more time…westurday i played 3 Unranked games , after long pause ,.and guess what was …LOSE!.
Im glad do not play anymore with such dead brains EU young peoples!

Brutalnot just stop this game, it is too difficult for you

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You played 3 games - after a long pause. And you lost. Read what you wrote again and then reconsider your statement. Mate, if you took a longer pause then you will need to play a bunch of games to warm up again! We’ve had a ton of balance patches in the last months with many, many changes coming to tons of heroes. It will take time and practice to learn who and what works now exactly - don’t make 3 games let you take out the fun. Take a quick break after terrible games, come back and try not to get salty and you will end up winning. Unranked is definitely better than qm, ranked is the place to go ultimately for high quality matches. I grinded from low Diamond to Master this season and I had many fun games, with some bad ones inbetween - as every season. GL and HF!

heh :laughing: you not lisent up me!. I did said… “I stop play!”. And i dont care about your joke!. The game is NOT hard for me. Yeah…yeah…continue say what you want or jokeing…i dont care…anyway…i never active anymore!