Maybe reworks before new heros?

New hero’s and skins are nice but what about giving some love to the older hero’s that are just lacking now? being one of them so weak and pointless I hardly ever see her picked and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her used in a tournament matches.
Move her Self destruct to “D” and make it activate faster both standard and if you have the trait to make more destructive. So tired of using it and EVERYONE just walk out of the blast zone, Only killing those that are just not paying any attention. (Or new player who do not know of’s skill)
In place of the now moved self destruct add her rocket/missile barrage that she has in Overwatch as a new skill, Her basic attack is weak and lacks range so giving her a longer ranged attack that can help with siege damage and with targets running away would be nice.
The defense matrix is just silly you lock it in a direction and any smart player just steps out of and then the skill is now ineffective and the area effect don’t even make up for it even if you choose the trait to enlarge the area.
What needs to be changed is one simple thing, make it so it is used like Tychus Overkill skill. You target a hero and she will automatically remain locked on target during the active time so now even if the target side steps you can still keep facing them.
And lastly give her the ability to use her mech as a mount, on large maps it can take her forever to move from one side to the next and may often arrive late to a fight.
If she was changed in that way I think she would become a much more competitive hero I love in Overwatch but in hero’s I just want to cry (lol) when I see how badly she was implemented.

How about Lt. Morales really do love her she lacks any offence witch is fine but why make her dropship one of her heroic skills?
Anytime I see someone use that I just face palm when her stim drone is so much better! I think she should have the dropship moved as her mount give it a 30 to 40 second cooldown, it should do everything the current drop ship does move anywhere on the map and have a slight delay before take off to let others jump in. Much more useful and makes her even more unique.
As a replacement make her a new heroic skill that sends out a pulse of energy around her healing all allies in the area and damaging/knockback any enemy hit or just the healing.