Most Corrupted Blizzard Game

I am pretty sure that I wont find a solution in here but still, I wanted to inform people about my experiences in HoTS which barely took 3 weeks.

The game is full with racists, afk players, and flamers. I had 3 games just in 2 days where 4 of the other players stayed afk because they believed that we cant win the game. All of them are the main reason why we cant win, not because they dont have the belief but also feed. I have met with 4-5 racists in the game, I reported them and none of them get blocked, neither nothing happened to them.

The ranked games are corrupted too… There are trolls who never ban the most op heroes, many people with technical issues which connect and disconnect in every 5 seconds…

The quality of WoW began to drop, this is why I quit there and wanted to try HoTS but it is perfectly clear that even gold tier of this game is equal to bronze tier of other popular games. Also 6 minutes of waiting for an unbalanced team with at least 2 flamer or afk players in it.

Seriously Blizzard, you began to do something wrong but I am pretty sure that you wont care this just like you used to be in the past. As of today, you lost one of your players who was royal more than 15 years. There are many companies who care the players and the quality of the game, and I guess I’m gonna spend more time in them for a “quality” fun.


Blizzard is becoming a joke. Caring less and less about creating a quality game and caring more about making money.


Four times in a row same Intentionally Dying arthas team up with me and in the 5th another troll dying intentionally, i was on promotion now i demoted to Diamond 2.

Im pretty sure reporting is not working or need to report million times to penalty. Now im going to enter a game once if some one feed again i will never ever play anymore


Doesnt matter wich rank you are… terrible moody players are everywhere.
Your job as a player in any ranked is trying to scan the mood of your allies and work with them.

The moment they resist too much… you know they are a problem by natural standards.
Not talking, Prepicking but when questioned get angry, people pre-ranting (myself is in this catagory) and such.

The other problem with the game is basic MOBA balancing.
It’s just hard okay? There are still old heroes that can never fit well in the Meta till reworked.

So the problem is there is too much to fix and priorities are hard.
Also adding in new heroes to keep the demand of new content rolling as well… cause other wise people will complain: “When is my favorite hero being added?”

These are things Blizzard all has to juggle for this game.
It’s why the replay system and reconnect system haven’t been reworked as of now as replays are working “enough” and the reconnect system is “Sufficient” but the other reason I think they don’t do it is because these two are deeply imbedded into the engine and by tweaking them the whole game might break.

Eitherway… MOBA’s are hard games to balance, hard to execute, hard to compete in.


Yeah, racism and insults in general are a serious problem in this game. I don’t know why they don’t address it, I guess playerbase would shrink a lot. Report system seems not to be working at all, and its biggest flaw is being automatic. Only person I have seen banned was that dude who streams hots, and he got banned for nothing, people just reported him to troll him and succeeded, guy got banned. Wonderful system if you ask me.

I guess you have to be able to handle the toxicity and people treating each other like crap if you want to play this game. Also I am 100% sure many accounts don’t meet the legal age requirement by much as it is not possible a self respecting adult would write all that racist stuff.

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Toxicity is a big problem. Though do think it is hard to Tackle in a day. But I also think they could’ve done better.

It is also the reason I dont play hero league. I rather lose in a dumb ass unfair QM, than in a HL I queued 7-10 minutes for. Especially if in both cases I lose due people that troll or afk.

Also not sure why I so often end up with 1/2 people in my team that are silenced. They are obviously silenced for their behavior, and communication is key for HoTs according to Blizzard. Yet I get punished with a team that cannot communicate.

It is all very strange in my opinion and understand the frustration when you are a newcomer. It is not the best introduction to blizzard or the game.

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The problem with toxicity is the fact there is no line.
Anything can be seen as toxic in text format and due to the negative approach of the report system. Even a fair compliment can be seen as “Sarcasm” and that’s toxic and bad.

The other problem is people are oversensative and I am saying that as someone wiith autism.
If I say: “Hey if you do this… it’s a bad idea.”
It instantly gets the following 3 results:
-Stop crying and whining
-Don’t flame me.
-I don’t care.
Rarely it goes to the 4th wich is: “Ooh right good idea.”

My biggest issue on this whole toxicity issue is the fact we aren’t sure WHAT IS TOXIC anymore.
If I say something is wrong. it’s deemed toxic.
if someone takes my compliment as sarcasm and I say: “I was complimenting them.” It won’t be believed.

Alot of the times context is something I lack in chats but I only report allies if they go too far as in when I ask them to focus on working together insted of against us then if they keep going and or start spamming profanity. I would say… that is toxic.

But what I find more toxic is player silent behaviour.
Like locking heroes in ranked that clearly have no point in being drafted in the exucse of: “Just HOTS, Ranked, This Rank it dosnt matter” or nothing at all.
To only have me go: “Told you to coordinate.”

That’s all pretty much for this.
We just need more clear guidelines on this stuff.

I agree, this is very stupid solution because such people in most of cases (at least from my experience) still spam pings and instead of being toxic they annoy you with constant pinging.

Imho they should be paired together into teams of 5 silenced players. This would make the queue much longer for them and maybe would force them to reconsider the flaming next time they play in a normal team.

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Unfortunately that’s a problem in all online competitive games. Not exclusive to hots. Have you ever played League of legends? You would very quickly come back to hots and say how friendly everyone is here :smiley:

That said, best thing to do is mute them and play. If you’ve been playing for only 3 weeks then I imagine you’re in bronze/silver so unfortunately what you describe is going to be more common as with any other game. Get to gold and beyond and things should start (I say start because you still come across this stuff) to get better. High Platinum and beyond is mostly civilised and organised with little trolls.


I can confirm that in higher leagues things are better. The problem is mostly that if someone goes rage AFK full game or feeding on purpose and you are in ranked, -200 is still yours and it’s frustrating.

For chat things are better, silences and bans work, but not like you would want them to, if someone is really toxic, it’s small chance he will be allowed to play plat +, stacked punishment ban hammer should reach him earlier a few times. On higher elo even toxic folk realizes that flaming = no game for them.

I agree that nowadays Blizzard only looks for money, Warcraft III is the best example, they made fools of themselves creating a new anniversary patch, which was advertised to allow big numbers of players on a single map, when game population is so low, that actually custom games requiring more than 4 players are hard to start. This wasted time could be used to fix real problems (or run tests, so that no new issues are created). A vast majority of custom games are bot-hosted and patch made game participants drop at start. Not fixed for months already. The same sometimes happens for team ladder games. The worst part is however that 4v4 which used to be fun, is full of bots which queue to ruin games by AFK or teamkill, notable nicks TheWalkingTree, DancingPeons, they have hundreds of loses on purpose recorded on their account and are still going! Good job Blizzard not finding a way to detect and auto ban this stuff. I mean if someone plays his 3rd game, has no disconnect and 0 gold mined, he should have straight let’s say 1 week ban. Another 2 games like this week later and perma ban. Not to mention the infamous join bug granting 1 lose for free is still out there.

It’s strange that alot of people tend to change this from “No flaming” to “Don’t say a word.”
You can’t give advice, you can’t say anything, just shut up and play…
In the meantime Blizzard vocalizes: “Communication is Key”
Yet… I think most higher ranked players would say: “Nah don’t say anything. Just focus on your game and if you lose too bad.”

And I am against that mind set. If I don’t speak up about bad decissions… who am I to say the lose isn’t mine? If I litterly warn someone and tell someone this will fail… and then they don’t listen. Then it ain’t my fault at all.
If I don’t say anything… it is… but in some cases if I say anything that is apperently flaming and insulting so then it’s my fault <_>’

So either I accept people will fail and don’t be the team player and just make it work… and not stop mistaks from happening in advance…
Tell people swiftly and as nice as possible (no insulting) That it’s a bad idea to do that. But then get chewed out as toxic and flaming…

Its “normal” for our humam race…what you expect?! :slight_smile:
Or want to saying like that…
“Peoples are shit” …song of Slipknot…
And Blizzard CANT fix peoples…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Nah, the NPCs who get triggered over words are the problem. You can’t win a game with people who are allergic to adversity.

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I remember when blizzard swore up and down the forums for months and years that they would “absolutely never implement a real cash shop in WoW” because they know it was immoral to charge even more money ontop of the sub fees and expansions for unique items that you couldn’t get ingame.

How about that?

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It’s not corrupted, it’s just an awful, badly dev’ed, running-out-of-money game.


Just wanned to point it out that the name of the company ain’t “Blizzard”
It’s Activision Blizzard… Yes… Activision name BEFORE Blizzard.
The drop off began when Activision took over and big names in Blizzard left the company.

I have been playing this for two years and I think I have never encountered racist jokes or comments or anything.

Salty people? Yes. But not every single day or anything like that. But I think some people are exaggerating about the state of the game right and left.


I think it may be a MMR thing, because I played HoTS when it was early and managed to climb to a decent MMR, and ever since I’ve never really had any consistent issues with toxicity from players/AFK players, nor racism.

The biggest times I do see these issues is when I queue with my friend who often has leaver queue status and it puts us in QM leaver queues, which are a bit worse.

I also wouldn’t say this game’s toxicity at any level is comparible to other MOBAs, it’s one of the reasons I play this one compared to others, because its toxicity was much lower. If you’ve ever played DoTA you’ll get verbal abuse from both your and the enemy team, and you’ll get it through voice chat. LoL has always had toxicity which only increased as it became more popular; I remember top or AFK feed players in Platinum ranked games that would go 0/21 K/D just to troll.

I would say this game is the least toxic out of the more popular MOBAs i’ve played, and it’s designed to be as well (no global chat, XP is shared so feeding is harder/less impacting).

The npc’s get triggered? I cant even… xD

I don’t understand why they dont follow suit with Dota2 soft ban. Put toxic people in their own group, having to claw their way out while not flaming.

Might take a couple of days or might take infinity but its to ensure they don’t drag the non toxic down with them.