New player looking for players :)


I’m a new player to hots. I have played in the past but not for the last 2 years so it’s all new again to me. I’m looking for a team or a group of people to help me get to grips with the game again and improve. My main aim is to play competitively but also have fun :slight_smile: I am from the uk so looking for other Eu players I have a mic and have the dedication to improve just need some guidance :slight_smile:

Many thanks

What hero class do you generally play? or prefer to play?

I play rank, Im stuck in Bronze, I found a Gold1 to play with, he teams up with me always if he online… Im hoping to climb fast, at least to silver n then mov on

what league level r u at?

I play in EU server too, about 4pm to 8pm CET , between this time

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@Clippe I play between those times too. I play healer, tank and generally flex. I can fill a lot of roles. But I would say im strongest on tank

Hey Clipper add me bnet: Skullomania#11236

I play tank/bruiser and sometimes healer or dps as flex


will add you when im home :slight_smile: