No matchmaking with blocked people plz

Can we have it so you wont get matched in ranked with people you have blocked or reported?

It is very annoying to block flamers and ragers in most of the games already.
Only for them to pop up on your team in the next game.

I know you can take like a 10 min break after a game but still…
This should be a basic feature in the game.

If this rule would be applied, I’l never be able to join a game. I block toxic people a lot. After a match there is a high chance that I rematch with the same people again. I’d rather play with bad people than with no people.


This should be a basic feature in the game.

This is where Blizzard already fails, the most basic concepts are foreign to them.

if this would have been made basic, than forget ever to find matches within 5 minutes,

10 ppl join a game to play, 5 on each side, if every person blocked just 1 person, it means 10 LESS people to play from the currently ONLINE base,

And considering people will block many , this could well mean that there would be only half the current online base to be matched, ,and then the MMR and RANK levels, and other things need to be adjusted,

Baseless concepts r foreign to Blizzard , I find this rather a BIG plus point

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If you apply your logic that means that someone is playing with someone on their block list every other game. I highly doubt it is that much.