Overly aggressive ranked decay

I have been playing HOTS for almost six years now and am a few wins short of GM. Recently, I have not been able to allocate as much time to the game as I used to, mainly because of real-life responsibilities including a full-time role as an investment banker that is notoriously time demanding. Add to that the time that friends, relationships, and other responsibilities take and you will easily find yourself unable to allocate the time required to avoid rank decay.

I barely play any other computer games nowadays owing to this same reason, but I still find it increasingly difficult to keep up with the raw amount of time the ranked scene has been (poorly) designed to soak. I find this particularly troublesome since my WR has not suffered even though I spend less time - quite the opposite.

So my question, mainly for you developers, is would you consider making the current threshold for rank decay slightly more manageable? The current requirement does very little for those that have the skills, but less of the time. I don’t think having a life should be a punishable offense and I likewise don’t think such a change would reflect on your bottom line.

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I’ve been playing for 6 years too as a casual. Been stuck in Silver all 6 years. I remember one season in 2020 where I decided to grind more games.

Had to suffer through 300 throw games with teammates that can’t teamplay. Grinded for 3 months to Gold 2, then one sunday all the village idiots came out from hiding with AFKs and feeding 1v4. Dropped to Silver 5 in seven consecutive games just watching train wrecks in slow motion.

Ex gm returning after 4 years.

Stormleague i had to start at bronze 5. Even worde is quickmatch. In QM i get paired with almost exlusivly accounts wirh a level of 50 and below.

The minimum threshold is super low apparently. But i mabaged to grind to platin 4 again by doing around 250 games in SL.