Placement games results not correct

Hi there,

I have played three placement games in the new season. I’ve won two and in the second one I was even MVP. In all three games I performed good. The problem is that the placement system doesn’t work, because it placed me in the same spot even at the same point range in the rank like I finished last season which is Bronze 5!!! I get placed in the same rank as last season even though I won two games??!!! My friend who played with me during those three games got placed in Silver 4 league, exactly where he finished last season??!! Is this a joke? Put effort in the game and get rewarded like this?

Regards and I hope you get this fixed as this cannot be true and if it is, it’s really disturbing that Blizzard doesn’t do something about this issue.


I just noticed the same thing. I have played HOTS 3 years and really tried to become better. I used to be Silver 3 but now I’m Bronze 4. It’s depressing. Have I really gone worse? I have “studied” Icy Veins for heroes and how to play them the best. But it doesnt help. I have leveled my heroes, got to know them better. Nothing helps. It makes me feel like I’m a lousy player. Last season I started from Silver 4, the place where I was left earlier. I fell till Bronze 4. Now today I played 3 games in Ranked and what did I get? Bronze 4. It’s an endless road. Now I cant get out of there. I get accused, trolled and flamed. Sometimes I too fall to make bad, desperate decisions in game since we’re losing. It’s hopeless. :pensive: I think the only way to level up in Ranked would be to find people who know how to play and communicate during the draft and game so that we could level up together.

since you were placed in bronze 5 before, your placement matches will be around the same lvl now. let s say u won 2 matches for 1k points and lost 1 for 500 p. so u only improved by 500 p that s not enough to improve your rank. you only want to see quick change because you think you have improved.…