Plague of players leaving the match

Hello there. Do you also think that there are too many players leaving the game in the game? As we know, in return we get bad ai bots, so chances that are supposed to be equal are not. I think in exchange for bots there should be a buff for the whole team (dmg, hp etc.). However, the penalty for leaving games should be more severe. For example, 3 next matches without exp or completing quests. What do you think about this? Of course, the problem is not as severe as in LoL but it still exists.


Its been a long debated topic regarding the game leaving because of the genuine connection issues that players can be having (seemingly more so that in the past). It does seem a bit disheartening though that we could have people opening say in chat they are about to quit the game, get reported and nothing seem to come out of it as a consequence. I mean I get it that reporting is kinda got out of control but one would at least expect there are more clear cut cases that get caught.


Actually I kinda like how the system works. As Kaizn stated, there are different kind of leavers. While some quit the game intentionally, each of us has also experienced connection problems or game crashes, power issues and many other reasons.
At least we get a bot, in LoL you are just 4v5 from that point on. Also that leavers are banned from ranked and draft play for a couple of games I find reasonable. After quitting the first match, you have to play 1 Quick Match or Brawl, then two and so on.
While I feel like the bots could be smarter and I hope they will be in time, I find this is a fair way to handle leavers.

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every online game will have leavers- it’s enevidable. Actually, HOTS leavers don’t mind me that much. I you would play WC3 custom games, you would see how many people leave really early

OK, as someone who occasionally leaves games (perhaps 1 in every 250) I’ll explain why it happens.

Some games are so bad that it is simply not worth carrying on, and it is 10 minutes of my life I’m not getting back. OK, it can be argued that the games are only 20-30 minutes long, but at the point you realise you are wasting your time, you are 10 minutes in. So you have a choice - kick your heels and tough it out, or shut down the computer and go and do something more interesting instead and come back in 2 hours (or tomorrow in some cases, if it is that bad).

Add a surrender option and this leaving nonsense will resolve itself.

Only once out of all the times I have left games and come back (I do that too, I just need to cool off a little) has it turned round. Once. And my absence was less that a minute.

Since theres only stomp or get stomped kind of matches its always better to leave the match when you see the useless matchup you got.
Play something else and come back.

nice attitude monsieur, for which you deserve a ban
many times we got a rage quitter, and we managed to win with a broken ai

The problem is that for many they can’t evaluate the game correctly. They think that game is lost at draft or 5 mins into the game but most of the time the conclusion is wrong.

Either in your case you are correct or not - I can’t say. However for many ragequitters I have proven many of them wrong by still winning the game with AI.

Usually the case is that people who ragequit lack game knowledge and they are lowskilled individuals and simply believe in wrong conclusion.

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I don’t know how many games this especially week i’ve had games with leavers as the game is loading. No sign they’ve attempted to reconnect and now i have to waste 10-15 mins of my life if i’m lucky, if the enemy notices it a bot, they stretch the game even more. Its getting exhausting having 2 or 3 games in a row with leavers, win some lose most. One game i had 2 bots, one didn’t load and 5mins later the other left

Yes, I’ve had a handful of those games too. Where the worst player rage quits and you go from no chance to some chance. Sometimes you win those.

Yes, that’s bad. If you don’t want to attempt to play, don’t press the ‘start’ button.

True, though sometimes i’ve clicked ready, then changed my mined but still got logged into the game but i’ve never abandoned the game. There are 9 other people wanting to play a match and i wouldn’t want to waste there life like i don’t want them to do to me and will play it through even if it makes me late for something else