Please add 3 win Unkranked leaver status requeiment!

Title say…
If you change it or add and 3 win Unraked games,a tleast with this way players can continue learn to play(training).
A chance in Unranked high for won games than this unbalance Quick Matches.
Everyone know to pain what is Quick Match.
Can you explain what is reasons ,you did remove old version and with 3 Unranked games?! ( i know you not respond here HoTS team developers).
I did try to 3 win QM games…this cost many try games. And in QM heroes are big mess combosicions.
Im sure exist so.many players ,which prefer to choose Unranked than Quick Match.
Please start work on that HoTS team devs. and add in any future patch.

Make it 10 games in unranked and 5 wins so if u play 12 and only win 4 you still have to queue. No QM allowed during that.

“leaver matches” shouldn’t exist for left ranked games. You loose points already and that should be enough of a punishment in the ranked area.

“leaver matches” for unranked should be a minor nuisance. Previously just playing a few quick (note, play, not necesarily win) was more than enough of a punishment, especially because the queue for leaver matches was usually longer and the matches far worse.

There shouldn’t be “leaver matches” for left quick matches. The whole principle of quick match is something you do if you just want a quick match and might need to leave at a moments notice.

Doing it differently than what I suggest here means a difference of opinion about what gaming actually is supposed to be about.

bla-bla-bla…can you say short way?! …just" im disagree"…dont tell me something different and explain to me.
“oh…why you are such wirld peoples?!”…

it’s called communicating. you should try it sometimes.