Please bring Haunted Mines back

It was one of the more iconic maps of this game


Someone at least give me a good reason why it has been removed yet again

I miss it so much!

We keep having to play the similarly generic maps over and over again

Why can’t we just have all the maps at once?

Having many maps USED TO BE the appeal of Heroes of the Storm!

What possible reason is there for the game to actually NEED a limited pool of rotating maps?

Skilled players would definitely form a strategy for all of them

It never once felt overwhelming for me


yes please bring it back

Agree please bring it back

yes please! bring it back at least in quick match rotation!

Yes, bring haunted mines back and add all maps into rotations for more variety, I don’t know what is a possible reason for rotating maps out tbh.

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I’m playing the game now regularly again after like 3 years and I got around 10 friends who also play hots right now and everyone misses Haunted Mines, it was such a cool map.

I still remember when it got taken out because I believe the team who got the first boss kinda could snowball their advantage in the devs opinion too much, but rly it was such a fun and unique map please bring it back

and don’t tell me “u think u do but u don’t” because we play the game and we know what we want :slight_smile: