Please disable dragon shire for gold and below

This has to be one of the must unfun maps in existence for low elo teams, win or lose. It does not matter what you tell people at the start as they will just ignore your advice. There’s very little chance of either team capping if the other team is remotely competent and has 4+ players alive, so what do you do? Camps, macro, soak, waveclear, lane pushing when safe (or roaming/ganking if you are that kind of hero/comp). Only once you get kills can you go for the objective unless you know for sure enemy team is all elsewhere occupied and can’t poke the channel/ recap a point.

Unfortunately in bronze/silver this all goes out the window. I had games where up to level 15 all my team does is run back and forward, endlessly and vainly trying to cap the obj, ignoring all macro, camps, lanes. Any half competent macro hero gets an enormous advantage just for existing. Eventually someone on one team or the other gets ganked, the team takes a 4v5 and 1/2 more people get ganked and the DK finally gets capped.

Really unfun map, people do not listen to strat, almost always this is just a wild goose chase till high level and someone f**ks up/ valla facechecks a bush and dies. Only after the first obj loss when your team is behind do they bother with stuff like camps, usually too late.