Please find a solution for competitive mm

I’m tired of loosing goddamn games because nobody uses the voice chat, nobody reads what I’m trying to tell them and everyone is so salty. Almost all the the time I get matched with random players they are either trolls or just idle and don’t respond to anything I or my premade teammates say to them. It is just impossible for me to climb the goddamn divisions. Even when I have super good games I loose because nobody is willing to play as team. I don’t know if they are just used to the standard LoL gameplay where you can actually play without your team. It’s awful. I have no clue what should be done but these feedback questions at the end of the game apparently are of no use. It’s almost as if they don’t care about the game. They play their own game and don’t care about the teamplay at all. I demoted from gold 1 to gold 4, having the fact that at gold 1 where I placed after my placements, I was playing against diamonds and plats with and without premade teammates.

Well its hard not to be salty and pissy in the game when not a single match in any game mode is even remotely fair. Mmr differences are absolutelly massive. 2 man plays againt 4man and so on.