Please remove or replace the end MVP screen

Have you ever had games where the MVP and other title holders in the end screen were from the losing team? MVP is a meaningless title, at least the way it’s being accorded now.

My suggestion would be to replace it with an end screen along the lines of Overwatch in which you show the winning team along with their best stats or something related to the WHOLE WINNING team. Maybe that way you would help reinforce constructive contributions from team members instead of causing beginners or even old timey players focus on the wrong goals during a game, like getting the MVP title or most damage or whatever, instead of winning the game.

I hope this post doesn’t get deleted as well as I’ve had several posts deleted in the past.


Just because the enemy team lost, doesn’t mean they played like shit. Merit should be recognised no matter the victory status.


So true. Sometimes a player on the losing team is the reason a game wasn’t a complete steamroll.

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Take a read here @OP:

Get woke.

MVP is based on how selfishly you played. Ignore everyone, aim for K/D, easy MVP.


Partly true, you need to focus on your own numbers. However K/A are based of skirmishes, teamfights on vicinity, so you need to be there, participate, this goes for hero damage column as well. So you can’t exactly go Raynor-the-Lamor bot for 20min, that won’t get you near MVP at all.

You have to play with team, you have to maintain high numbers in multiple categories, you need to make sure you don’t die. It is not perfect system, but it tries to encompass the base principles of how one ought to be playing the game.

No but you can play solo to chase kills and ignore team and objective for that MVP. I see a lot of Nova do this. You do NOT have to play with the team in the very least.


I agree. Getting biggest numbers in the game shouldn’t be the players concern. Numbers matter for sure but they’re very relative. I think what’s more important is creating plays for the team and making the right decisions. Giving MVP for most hero damage and least deaths enforces bad behaviour. Those things matter but they’re not what the Most Valuable Player should be rewarded for.


Actually I would like to see a screen where you can vote for any other player from your team and using a separate vote, any opponent.

I hate the fact that I sometimes can’t vote for truly best player from my team, only because he played Leoric, Malthael or Gaz, who naturally die above average with correct gameplay, but end screen punishes heavily for dying. I often just thank them in chat.

That is incorrect. Kills and assist are both based of vicinity which means you have been where the action is. So unless you’re some high skilled Rambo type capable of 1v5’ing, you have actually played with the team to get those high K/As.

Yeah, lets have all damage dealers sit around the camp fire and sing kumbaya instead of performing their best out of their heroes. Lets tell people its ‘okay’ little Timmy dies a lot, because the other way around you classify it as “bad behaviour”. You are aware, that dying a lot is in the ballpark of Feeding, a reportable offense? Exact opposite of what you’re trying to advocate for.

In terms of making good plays, having good micro, well, all the usual stuff that makes a player ‘good’. There is no technical way from a coding perspective to even track such things in the games, and as such near impossible to even implement. That is why MVP system is based off things, we factually do know such as performance numbers in relation to each other.

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Poorly disguised trolling coming from this dude.

Yet I wrote around 10 sentences in 3 sections to 2 quotes and you’re standing there, alone in the rain, with a single sentence, a single line containing nothing but a personal attack. It is time to reflect in front of the mirror.

I know your feelings are hurt, because people on this forum have different opinions than yours, perhaps you didn’t get enough support in your other thread you made. You are welcome to discuss, debate, present argument, speak from a rational mindset. You choose not to.

I find this an ironic statement considering you are implying that the most valued player should not be obtainable from the losing team. You’re essentially saying that it doesn’t matter how good you play - if you lose, sucks to be you, even if you outperformed your opponents for 90% of a game until the late-game turnaround.

You will not reinforce constructive contributions if you want to shine a flash-light on a given team. This incentivizes nothing other than “It’s OK, we won”. The way it is NOW highlights those who broke the normal barriers regardless of whether they won or lost. This is better. You don’t HAVE to win for the game to say “Hey, you did X amount better than your last performance/other people - and happened to be top [insert medal here]!”

Or you could just press TAB (stat-screen) and check both teams out without the medals and padding, like everyone else does. If medals and MVP means little to anyone, they can skip ahead and get back into their next queue within a few seconds of game-over.

As for people stat-farming, that sort of drivel primarily happens in QM or AI modes. You won’t find much stat-padding in ranked unless someone is stupid enough to quote their stats thinking it absolves them of a criticism, like “Hey, I have more kills than you, so why are you flaming me for my 11 deaths?”

Kills by themselves don’t mean much from the MVP perspective unless they also contributed something else in a meaningful way – and much LESS so if they themselves are dying frequently. If one guy got the last hit on 25 heroes but had barely any hero-damage, siege-damage, damage taken, shielding/healing or XP contribution, there is barely any chance of them being put on a pedestal - same applies to heroes who focus on hogging a particular stat, such as siege-damage. Even if they were doing OK in other fields, frequent deaths would sully their statistics. If someone IS netting lots of kills/assists and ISN’T dying frequently and IS contributing to other statistics however they can, then they have every right to be considered an MVP, winner or loser.

There have been COUNTLESS games where, as a support main who tends to get very few (often no) killing blows (but a wealth of assists) in-between fulfilling my primary function and avoiding death as much as humanly possible, it is no surprise when I get MVP over others, even in games where someone has collected up to (or beyond) 15 kills and various other stats - because I’m also doing hero, siege and XP contributions as well as my usual healing, and making a huge effort to die as little as possible >> which is one of THE most important parts.

Lately my KDA has spiked up after countless games with scores like 0-18-0 and usually top (or close to top) healing. Why wouldn’t that get some recognition, even if I lost? There should be no surprise when someone does this and gets MVP, even if they aren’t topping damage, siege, XP, tanking, or actual kills. The game rewards participation.

Nobody will tell you the statistics feature is perfect, but it seems to me that a lot of people who complain about it have really high self-expectations or are playing in a way that doesn’t get them rewarded often enough for them to think it’s right.

Donald Trump talks a lot too, doesn’t make him right either.

And yet strangely enough, he is right 98% of the time. But hello, welcome back after 1 month, have we turned to necromancy?

Replace MVP screen with Winning Team or Both team scoreboard with an optional clickable button that shows detailed stats, i repeat, optional button.
I suppose this is a team based game so MVP should not exists in this game.

Yes. The actual MVP does sometimes not even appear on screen. Making plays for your team or saving other team members usually also means that you risk to get yourself killed. I also see good players dying in front of the core, as they are the one concentrating on winning the game instead of wasting abilities.

However, the MVP system works most of the time, meaning I can agree to its assessment :slight_smile: