Please stop allowing zarya + medivh + abathur vs none of those heroes on enemy team (no tassadar either)

Self explanatory rtft.

Matched vs zarya anduin tracer medivh and abathur.
My team: li-ming zeratul thrall valla whitemane.
Stop this bullsh*t matchmaking.

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If Tracer and Mediv are good,yes,its very hard. If Zeratul,Valla and Thrall cant kill then I don`t know.

They have bad wave clear,so guess you started really bad and till end.

Ye,a lot of shields and protect so cant be that this is mm fault,they just must to play against someone.Complete sure its party.

Roles dude, roles. Like you geta t ank for a tank you should get a medivh for an aba a zarya for a tassadar etc. Thats what I’m talking about. Are you new to hots?

Sadly you can’t prevent that if they a party… and your situation sounds like they were a party to me.

…also rework Tassadar please, he useless trash, if somebody starts preaching wall ult now, table is gonna flip.

+1 for rework tassadar, I would say auriel too but idk…

Yea am new here.

If you gonna say MEDIVH is counter for ABA I will say,OK,and Zarya is very similar to Tassadar completly.

Your team have a huge damage they have shields and protect you must adapt to situation.Like all Ranged against all Melee,will you go in face or stay on range