Ranged assassin matching in quickplay is broken

The thing is, heroes like these share the same classification hence considered by game the same: Raynor - low burst, high dps, your average ranged AA carry; Genji - moderate damage, high mobility, semi-melee assassin; Jaina - very high burst at rather close range which obliterates everything unlucky besides very tanky/protected targets.
You can’t identify those heroes as same class just because they all are ranged (technically) and specialise at dealing damage in my opinion.
One of my latest game’s ranged assassins:
My team: Genji, Junkrat, Falstad;
Enemy team: Chromie, Li-Ming
Which side’s heroes would you rather have in your team?
My suggestion is to give heroes proper classifications. Heroes like Li-Ming, Chromie, Jaina - they should have their own class like “Caster” and shouldn’t be considered as counterpart to ranged dpsers like Zul’Jin or Falstad or other autoattacker which would hardly be able to compete in burst damage with real casters.

Tottal agree.
This days I played Kelthuzad a lot and in my team 3 mages vs 3 autoattackers.
Yes if you hit combo they are dead but if we all miss on some case,we cant do nothing,chased by Raynor,Falstad and Valla so hard to miss AAAAAAA. On some objective on first place its really hard,something like Brawl on bad way.

there r still fewer players n queue time issues everywhere in the forum

and if AA assassins n Mage assassins r to be separated, it will bcom much tough for matchmaking.

n as for KTZ , if u can wipe all 3 of the enemy within 3 seconds if u get it all right, then its only fair tht they can run u down if u miss ur combo :slight_smile: