Ranked is messed up

Last season I had a winrate of 53.3% with 754 games played.
This season I have 40.6% with 96 games played.

Last season I ended in Plat 5 and since the start of the new season I seem to be losing way too much. There is just no way I am suddenly playing this much worse with a 13% deficit to my winrate. I am currently Gold 2 right now. I’ve also noticed that I’m losing around 160 points a game and gaining 240 a game. I’m legitimately confused as to what the hell is going on right now.

Anyone else getting similar experiences?

Just play more, seems you have been put in with worse teammates versus smurfs or other reletive good players. Best would be to team up with friends, then you can setup kills, have synergies and draft compositions…