Recommendations for game improvements


I am curious to know if the game developers would be open to receiving suggestions on how to enhance the game and improve the overall gaming experience. I have several ideas primarily centered around improving the graphical user interface (GUI) outside of the core gameplay.

If there is an interest in considering these ideas, I would greatly appreciate guidance on where and how I should go about sharing them.

HOTS is currently in maintenance mode and has been for quite a while now, meaning it’s unlikely that the devs will make any new updates. I dough your ideas will go anywhere

That’s really unfortunate. My ideas are simple tweaks, but they could have a big positive impact on many people’s game experience. Do you know if that will will ever change?

Only if blizzard suddenly decides to start updating HOTS again. The only possible way I could see this happening is if microsoft acquires blizzard but even then I think it’s unlikely.

Ok I understand, still here are my suggestions on how to improve the overall gaming experience with simple tweaks:

Provide access to game statistics after each match.
After completing a game, players should have the ability to view game statistics. Currently, this information is only accessible during the post-match replay. It would be helpful to be able to check stats and players even after that time period, allowing players to potentially reach out to others and inquire about teaming up. At present, it is not even possible to view the names of the players from the previous game, so in a new lobby, it would be beneficial to at least be able to check if any of your teammates were in your previous game.

Separate the MVP vote from the replay.
When players want to skip the MVP vote or leave the game quickly, they are prompted to confirm if they want to exit the game entirely. Although this does not result in any penalties, it can be a minor inconvenience when repeatedly dealing with it. It would be preferable to have the MVP vote available outside of the replay, allowing players to efficiently proceed without unnecessary delays.

Keep winning percentages private.
Currently, many people assess the skill of potential teammates based on their seasonal or overall winning percentages in Storm League. This practice encourages the creation of smurf accounts solely for the purpose of maintaining a high win rate, which can be misleading. To foster a more genuine and positive environment for comparing players, it would be beneficial to make these winning percentages private. However, players should still be able to view their own profile’s winning percentages for personal analysis.

Reduce lobby waiting times.
In any draft mode, the excessive waiting time for players to join a lobby can be frustrating. It would be ideal if the queue time could begin while players are joining the lobby, so that everyone enters the lobby simultaneously. Currently, it can be bothersome to switch back and forth between the game and other activities while waiting to see if all the players have joined. Although it may seem insignificant, this unnecessary delay extends the waiting time within the lobby and can become annoying, particularly after multiple repetitions.

What do you think about it?